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The Snake Fence

door Janet Kastner

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1311,565,672 (4.5)Geen
In pre-Revolutionary Pennsylvania young Noble Butler, a farm boy, encounters ideas about the rights of settlers and of Indians that challenge his Quaker values.
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I received a copy to facilitate my review. The opinions expressed here are my own.

This is a great historical novel. Take a young Quaker boy named Noble, who believes in nothing less than peace, and put him in the middle of violent situations. He wants to bring peace between the Delaware Indians and the British settlers.

Noble wants to be a cabinet maker. Although he’s finished his apprenticeship his desire won’t become a reality until he has his own tools. That requires money. He searches for a way to make the money. An opportunity opens the door and he step through. He joins a wagon train from Pennsylvania to take supplies to Fort Cumberland. He isn’t exactly excited that he must have an older brother travel with him. This is the only way his father will allow it.

But what happens when he wants to continue helping against his father’s wishes?

I really enjoyed the book. There was obviously a lot of research don’t before the author wrote this book. It gives us a look at the belief system and work ethic of those peaceful people called Quakers. Most people think of Quakers only when they see the oatmeal box. This gives kids an opportunity to learn about them and about the time period it is set in. I recommended this to my 8th grade teacher as part of one of her units. I believe this would hold their interest and help them learn so much about that time period. This is one book I will highly recommend. ( )
  skstiles612 | Jul 17, 2016 |
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In pre-Revolutionary Pennsylvania young Noble Butler, a farm boy, encounters ideas about the rights of settlers and of Indians that challenge his Quaker values.

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Gemiddelde: (4.5)
4 1
5 1

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