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An Orange Sherbet Sun in a Latte Sky, Vol. 1

door M G Lewis

Reeksen: Nrààk Confederation (book 1)

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314,220,023 (4)1
First volume in the Nr#65533;#65533;k Confederation Series: Captain Mark Sterling and his team had been sent to investigate the ruins of a city on Dl#65533;s#65533; IV, a desert world circling a sickly K type star, a hundred plus light-years from Earth.They found a humanoid alien race called the T#65533;s#65533; working in the mines of Dl#65533;s#65533;, but ignored their warning that they should leave the planet before they were discovered by their masters. The Nr#65533;#65533;k ruled not only the T#65533;s#65533; and Dl#65533;s#65533;, but dozens of alien races across a thousand worlds in the Galaxy. Mark and his team survived their capture by the Nr#65533;#65533;k, but were dragged into the ongoing conflict between the Nr#65533;#65533;k and their overlords, the N#65533;s#65533;w#65533;rna. They might survive to return to Earth but only if they could help the Nr#65533;#65533;k defeat the unseen N#65533;s#65533;w#65533;rna.(Volume 2: Blood Red Petals Ankle Deep ----- Volume 3: Antique Ladies and Gray Malevolence)… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorPDCRead, Jennifer35k
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The thought of humanity interacting with aliens is something that one only sees in the movies. It is a dream that will one day become reality if humans continue to pursue the stars. Space is truly the final frontier and it leaves much to the imagination of millions of people. This book is another play on human and alien interaction. It tells the story of a group of people that have set their minds and hearts on exploring unknown planets for the betterment of humankind. Led by Captain Sterling, they are set out to make both their homeland and families proud. Assigned to an unhealthy k-type planet, Sterling and companions unknowingly stumble upon an aggressive species named the Nraak. A group of mysterious beings that are not thrilled with the presence of the newly arrived humans. Not one to back away or be scared by alien life forms, the scouts continue to push forward in their mission. As each day passes they are met with life threatening challenges, cultural shocks, and battles that boggle the mind. Will the scouts survive the perpetual attacks of the Nraak? Will they fulfill their mission and complete the exploration of the sickly planet?

I found this book to be both complex and unique. I have always been a lover of space stories and an advocate of NASA. I love to read or watch stories that display humanity’s ability to adapt and thrive in unknown places. This book was very unique with its’ great detail of alien language. It was very confusing at first, but I later came to understand it as the story progressed. The glossary in the back of the book helped as well and I am happy that the author placed it there. The book reminded me of an old time alien picture that showed humans interacting with an aggressive species. It was realistic in its struggles and display of emotional fragility that people have with complex situations. This story was a very intricate take on man’s possible exploration of foreign worlds. If you are an avid lover of space exploration than this book is for you. I must thank both goodreads and the author for giving this book to me in a giveaway. It was much appreciated and I do believe that it has much potential. I would recommend this book for vacation trips or anything that allows a person to have long portions of free time. This book is slow moving, but it is still worth the time. ( )
  Jennifer35k | Dec 10, 2013 |
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Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
He was standing in the open, letting the aliens see him as the frigid wind bit into him. The midday sun was just an orange sherbet smear in a latte sky. Why was he doing this again?
He didn't want to die.
He really didn't.
And they were all so damn big, superhero-on-steroids big, and each one had been practicing his take-no-prisoners scowl.
Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
The General was as big as Ândóç, much older but still powerful, and wrapped in jet battle armor. A sword that Ivanhoe would have killed to have hung from his waist. Its grip, pommel, and cross-guard were jet inlaid with silver.
Saónà and the others exhausted their lasers roasting the other two in hellfire, until the ashes of antique Nàsúwårna flesh floated above the dying flames like burning leaves on a frigid October eve.
He didn’t know what it was or who it was? He tried to understand. Joy. In spite of his pain, it felt like joy, like exaltation. He was a mote floating within the mind of God, and He was singing.
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First volume in the Nr#65533;#65533;k Confederation Series: Captain Mark Sterling and his team had been sent to investigate the ruins of a city on Dl#65533;s#65533; IV, a desert world circling a sickly K type star, a hundred plus light-years from Earth.They found a humanoid alien race called the T#65533;s#65533; working in the mines of Dl#65533;s#65533;, but ignored their warning that they should leave the planet before they were discovered by their masters. The Nr#65533;#65533;k ruled not only the T#65533;s#65533; and Dl#65533;s#65533;, but dozens of alien races across a thousand worlds in the Galaxy. Mark and his team survived their capture by the Nr#65533;#65533;k, but were dragged into the ongoing conflict between the Nr#65533;#65533;k and their overlords, the N#65533;s#65533;w#65533;rna. They might survive to return to Earth but only if they could help the Nr#65533;#65533;k defeat the unseen N#65533;s#65533;w#65533;rna.(Volume 2: Blood Red Petals Ankle Deep ----- Volume 3: Antique Ladies and Gray Malevolence)

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