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A Rogue's Rescue

door Donna Lea Simpson

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1161,769,577 (3.5)Geen
Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:

A Classic Regency Romance novella celebrating the world first introduced by Jane Austen.

Despite her vast wealth, Miss Ariadne Lambert, at the ripe old age of thirty-three, is a plain and aging spinster with little but a fading hope that a knight in shining armor will come to sweep her off her feet. Which makes her the perfect prey for the unscrupulous "Dapper" Dorsey, who would stop at nothing to seduce a needy and wealthy woman and then coldly fritter away her funds in the gaming halls of London. As Ariadne succumbs first to his wily charms and then to his kisses, will her need for affection rob her of her dignity—and her fortune?

Viscount Ingram, whose soiled reputation from one especially salacious incident has left him exiled to the sidelines of society, marks his time as a dark and brooding man, tolerated more for his title than his merit. But even he has his standards, and when he learns of a rival's plot to seduce and then steal from a helpless spinster, he vows to stop him.

Ingram's noble sentiments and uncharacteristic sincerity are in for a shock, however, as he discovers that the hopelessly gullible Ariadne is in fact a clever and shrewd woman who's got more than a silly giggle up her sleeve. As the two team up in a devilish scheme to bring about the final undoing of Dorsey, cooperation turns to admiration and then attraction, and they discover that their last chance to repair their reputations may also be their first chance at finding true love.

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1-5 van 6 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
No angst, but I liked the smart and spunky heroine. A little abrubt towards the end, but I guess that's to be expected given the novella format. Yay for bluestocking spinsters! ( )
  Rhiannon.Mistwalker | Aug 19, 2022 |
No angst, but I liked the smart and spunky heroine. A little abrubt towards the end, but I guess that's to be expected given the novella format. Yay for bluestocking spinsters! ( )
  PNRList | Aug 15, 2018 |
This little novella [a bit over 80 pages long] was so much fun, I beg you to read it!

I loved the plot and the fast pace, but I adored the heroine and the hero equally. It's refreshing to read about a coupe that's a bit older, and our heroine was thirty-three, which definitely made her a spinster.

I loved the fact that both were not the "dead-gorgeous" sort and that both had a wonderful sense of humor. It was such a pleasure to read a story that depicted a romance of two people that were "grown-up"! Despite this being set in regency era, the characters were so well drawn out, that they felt very real.

Highly recommending this little gem!

Melanie for b2b

Complimentary copy provided by the publisher
( )
  bookworm2bookworm | Mar 30, 2017 |
Viscount Ingram, formerly Mr. Lovell Melcher, just wanted to show the person who cheated him a thing or two with his fists. Getting distracted by a conversation about a lovely heiress and watching the oily Dorsey squeeze himself into her space demanded he do something. Getting caught up with the girl was not what he had in mind when all he wanted to do is thwart the cad’s attempt at getting her money and more.

Ariadne Lambert had her sights on one man at the ball but when the viscount stepped in to scare him away she suddenly found herself intrigued with the man with a reputation of his own.

I was quite entertained by this novella and it was a very fun and smart distraction to my day. I really enjoyed the characters’ connection. They shared a wit and humor that brought them together as they bonded over the planned caper to dispel the reputation of Dorsey from the ton and expose him for what he truly was. A great way to spend an afternoon with your e-reader escaping from your everyday.

~ Lady Rhyleigh for AReCafe ( )
  AReCafe | May 23, 2014 |
This is a book that intrigued me from the start. The protagonist, Ariadne, had something, some plan, hidden, and it made me keep reading. I really wanted to know what was the plan.
The character flees to the standards of helpless maidens of historical books. She is not pretty and nor young. Definitely more than 30 years she was considered a spinster.
Ingram also has not the prince charming's appearance, even with his charm.
This now makes the book is interesting. ( )
  VaniaNunes | Jul 15, 2013 |
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Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:

A Classic Regency Romance novella celebrating the world first introduced by Jane Austen.

Despite her vast wealth, Miss Ariadne Lambert, at the ripe old age of thirty-three, is a plain and aging spinster with little but a fading hope that a knight in shining armor will come to sweep her off her feet. Which makes her the perfect prey for the unscrupulous "Dapper" Dorsey, who would stop at nothing to seduce a needy and wealthy woman and then coldly fritter away her funds in the gaming halls of London. As Ariadne succumbs first to his wily charms and then to his kisses, will her need for affection rob her of her dignity—and her fortune?

Viscount Ingram, whose soiled reputation from one especially salacious incident has left him exiled to the sidelines of society, marks his time as a dark and brooding man, tolerated more for his title than his merit. But even he has his standards, and when he learns of a rival's plot to seduce and then steal from a helpless spinster, he vows to stop him.

Ingram's noble sentiments and uncharacteristic sincerity are in for a shock, however, as he discovers that the hopelessly gullible Ariadne is in fact a clever and shrewd woman who's got more than a silly giggle up her sleeve. As the two team up in a devilish scheme to bring about the final undoing of Dorsey, cooperation turns to admiration and then attraction, and they discover that their last chance to repair their reputations may also be their first chance at finding true love.


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Donna Lea Simpson is een LibraryThing auteur: een auteur die zijn persoonlijke bibliotheek toont op LibraryThing.

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