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Journey to Freedom door Courtni Crump Wright
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Journey to Freedom (editie 1994)

door Courtni Crump Wright (Auteur)

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774358,588 (4.2)Geen
Joshua and his family, runaway slaves from a tobacco plantation in Kentucky, follow the Underground Railroad to freedom.
Titel:Journey to Freedom
Auteurs:Courtni Crump Wright (Auteur)
Info:Holiday House (1994), Edition: 1st, 32 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, Aan het lezen

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Journey to Freedom : A Story of the Underground Railroad door Courtni Crump Wright

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Journey to Freedom title describes the book very well. First off, let’s start by acknowledging the wonderful illustration depicted throughout this book. This book is about a family that was led by Harriet Tubman as they traveled on the Underground Railroad in the mid 1800s. They started their journey in the southern states where slavery was enforced to Canada, where they gained their freedom. Harriet Tubman did an astonishing job guiding Joshua’s family through the night as they hid out in the darkness and dense forest to escape slavery. This book is great for children because it gave them a clear insight on the hardship people had to go through during a struggling time as people eventually gained their freedom. ( )
  RoshaBaptiste | Apr 25, 2019 |
This hopeful story of a runaway family is an appropriate account for the classroom. It does not include as much violence as was actually present during the time, but still tells readers about the hardships runaway slaves encountered. It is a good intro for a history lesson on slavery and the underground railroad.
  adates12 | Dec 17, 2014 |
This is the story of a family of slaves making their way to Canada with Harriet Tubman told from a child's perspective. This well told story includes some of the hardships that the escaping slaves encountered, but does not dip deeply into any violent events. It is very readable and interesting, and expresses the fear of discovery that the entire group feels. It gives a young child a feeling of some of the problems that the travelers endured without being overpowering. This is an excellent beginning to a difficult topic. ( )
  Glenajo | Mar 9, 2013 |
Harriett Tubman leads an 8 year old boy's family and 4 others on the underground railroad to freedom. The boy tells the story.

I thought it was a a good introduction to the underground railroad and the hardships faced (dogs coming after them, frostbite, the threat of beatings) by slaves seeking freedom. I did not believe a boy of 8 from Kentucky would never have seen a snowflake before.

There is an author's note in the back with facts about the underground railroad and a map.
  lindnerm | Apr 23, 2008 |
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Courtni Crump Wrightprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Griffith, GershomIllustratorSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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Joshua and his family, runaway slaves from a tobacco plantation in Kentucky, follow the Underground Railroad to freedom.

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