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Winning a Bride

door Jade Lee

Reeksen: Bridal Favors (book 2.5)

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1811,225,447 (4.38)Geen
Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:

From USA Today bestselling author Jade Lee comes an original novella introducing her hot new Regency bride books.

Due to his aristocratic family's downfall, William Benton serves as steward on the land his brother should have inherited. His one weakness is for the daughter of the new owner. Josephine Lawton is beautiful, charming, and enamored of titles and all things aristocratic. So when she becomes engaged to a man he knows to be a wastrel and a fool, Will puts all his passion into restoring his family's honor and winning the woman he loves. It's going to be a hot summer on the estate.

Praise for What the Bride Wore:
"A delicious romance between engaging characters... It's another keeper from a talented storyteller."—RT Book Reviews
"Fun and passion-filled Regency... Readers will savor the numerous red-hot love scenes as Grant finds his way to maturity and love."—Publishers' Weekly
"What the Bride Wore was a wonderful historical romance! Lovers of the genre, you should give this book a try."—Imagine a World

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WINNING A BRIDE by Jade Lee is an exciting novella Regency Historical Romance. #2.5 "Bridal Favors" series. A quick fast paced novella. Filled with passion and a yearning for more. The tale of two brothers,William and Grant Benton. A tale of love against all odds. Well written with engaging, and charismatic characters and an intriguing plot. A must read! It is fast moving from beginning to end. I can hardly wait to read "What the Bride Wore" which is next in the tale of two brothers. Loved it! Received for an honest review from the publisher and Net Galley.



REVIEWED BY: AprilR, Review courtesy of My Book Addiction and More ( )
  MyBookAddiction | Jul 23, 2013 |
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Bridal Favors (book 2.5)
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Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:

From USA Today bestselling author Jade Lee comes an original novella introducing her hot new Regency bride books.

Due to his aristocratic family's downfall, William Benton serves as steward on the land his brother should have inherited. His one weakness is for the daughter of the new owner. Josephine Lawton is beautiful, charming, and enamored of titles and all things aristocratic. So when she becomes engaged to a man he knows to be a wastrel and a fool, Will puts all his passion into restoring his family's honor and winning the woman he loves. It's going to be a hot summer on the estate.

Praise for What the Bride Wore:
"A delicious romance between engaging characters... It's another keeper from a talented storyteller."—RT Book Reviews
"Fun and passion-filled Regency... Readers will savor the numerous red-hot love scenes as Grant finds his way to maturity and love."—Publishers' Weekly
"What the Bride Wore was a wonderful historical romance! Lovers of the genre, you should give this book a try."—Imagine a World


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