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Such Sweet Sorrow

door Jenny Trout

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593456,470 (2.71)Geen
Though they're parted by the veil between the world of mortals and the land of the dead, Romeo believes he can restore Juliet to life, but he'll have to travel to the underworld with a thoroughly infuriating guide -- Hamlet, Prince of Denmark -- who sees an opportunity for adventure and the chance to avenge his father's death.… (meer)
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Such Sweet Sorrow is a Retelling of Shakespeare's Rome and Juliet and Hamlet.
I'm really into retellings right now so when this book went on Netgalley I knew I had to get my hands on it. I'll admit I had high expectations.
Unfortunately some of those expectations were not met :(
To my shame I have to say I am not very familiar with The story of Romeo and Juliet nor Hamlet. I know Romeo and Juliet married young against their families wishes. Something about a forbidden love. They wanted to be together so bad these teens made the irrational decision to kill themselves. A lovely beautiful tragedy if there is such a thing, correct? But  what would have happened had Romeo not died? That is exactly what happens in Such Sweet Sorrow. Romeo and Juliet both drank the poison, but poor Romeo had lived.
In this novel we get to explore the Journey of Romeo's quest to bring his Juliet back from the underworld. Its super sweet how this man will go through the depths of hell for his true love. Nothing gets in his way!
Now hamlet, I really know nothing of hamlet besides that Mel Gibson had played him in a movie. So sad I know :( That being said I am now determined to read up on some Shakespeare
We learn Hamlet can see and speak to the dead. Is he a madman or totally legit? Hamlets father comes from the dead to let Hamlet know he was not poisoned but actually murdered. But can Hamlet trust a Ghost? Much less a ghost who wants Hamlet to act out his Revenge? 
Now I ask you again, mad man or legit?!?!
Romeo must decide for himself if he can trust Hamlet or not, I mean this is the guy he has to go to the Underworld with to save his Juliet. What choice does he have right?
This book has a lot of promise. The only thing it lacked was passion. I didn't really feel for romeo. I didn't feel his hurt or pain. If I was in this book, I wouldn't have believed he was as distraught as the author tried to portray. Yes he would do everything for his Juliet, but they were all actions to me. There wasn't feeling behind it. That is my only dislike when it comes to this book.
I love the characters you have Hamlet who is arrogant with a boyish charm. Then you have Romeo who is harder and seems like hes been through more than your average 18yr old. He has a lot of  bite to him. 
I like the flow of the book, I read it in one sitting. I definitely will be checking out more from this author! And will await anxiously for book 2 ( )
  Courtney_Chance | Jun 19, 2014 |
Romeo and Hamlet--together in one book. At first, I experienced a little trepidation about reading this book. Mostly because Romeo and Hamlet are such well-known characters. Would the author be able to do this book justice and make the Bard proud?

Romeo is mourning after his Juliet. He woke up after Juliet killed herself to find his life was forever altered. Months have passed and he still can't get over her. He hears rumors of a way to get Juliet back. First he must travel to Denmark and that leads him to Hamlet.

Hamlet's father was recently murdered. His uncle has taken over everything including his mother. Hamlet is understandably upset by this turn of events. Nursing his wounds with alcohol he meets Romeo. It's not a joyous meeting. Despite their dislike for each other they realize they could help one another. So Romeo and Hamlet travel into the Afterjord to find Romeo's Juliet.

Most of this book takes place in the Afterjord. What is really interesting is this book is a mix of mythology with the classic stories. I thought this made for a fascinating read. I love how the characters interacted with each other, the obstacles they faced (both physically and emotionally), and just the story line in general. Such Sweet Sorrow went above my expectations. If you've not read this book yet, then I urge you to do so. You will not be disappointed.
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  mt256 | Mar 18, 2014 |
When I read the synopsis of this, I thought to myself "awesome!". I wasn't a big English lover in high school but when we would read Shakespeare I was all up in that stuff. I loved it. I loved the way the dialogue was, the descriptions, the characters.....all of it. It was my thing. I think that was where I finally got my full on love for reading. And, besides. Who wouldn't fall in love with this cover of Juliet? Seriously. It's totally gorgeous.

That said, I truly enjoyed this book. It was the perfect blend of true love romance, characters that bring back memories from childhood, and mythological elements of twists. I loved Romeo from the start. His love for Juliet was strong and I felt it immediately. Hamlet's character was awesomely chiseled and Juliet........Ms. Trout NAILED it with her! Loved it!

With rollercoaster thrills, young love romance, and an ending that leaves you dying for a sequel, this story is definitely a keeper! This is the first novel I've read by Jenny Trout and if her other works are anything like this one, wow! Definitely a favorite author, for sure. I will be anxiously awaiting to see if Ms. Trout creates a sequel to this story as I am already ready for more fast paced thrills, tender romance, and characters that make you smile....and make you frustrated at times. Four stars, two thumbs and ready for the next! Well done, Ms. Trout!
**Disclaimer: This book has been provided to Reviews By Molly free of charge by MacMillan via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review of this title. No money has been exchanged for this review. This review reflects the opinion of the individual reviewer and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of any other RBM reviewer or this blog’s owner, editor or administrator. ( )
  ReviewsbyMolly | Mar 5, 2014 |
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Though they're parted by the veil between the world of mortals and the land of the dead, Romeo believes he can restore Juliet to life, but he'll have to travel to the underworld with a thoroughly infuriating guide -- Hamlet, Prince of Denmark -- who sees an opportunity for adventure and the chance to avenge his father's death.

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