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Mystic Tea

door Rea Nolan Martin

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483547,778 (3.7)2
Fiction. Literature. A community of quirky, mismatched, and endearing women struggle to find meaning and purpose on a ramshackle monastery in upstate New York. Having spent their lives in service to a church that seems to no longer serve them, they are confused about their own futures and the future of the entire monastery. Led by Mike, the practical no-nonsense prioress, and Augusta, the grand ancient mystic hermit, they are joined by Gemma, a self-punishing novice, and Arielle, a firebrand jailhouse conversion who was sent there out of rehab by a "sort of angel." The personalities, commitments, philosophies and beliefs of these and all the characters conflict and converge in ways at once perilous and enlightening. Throughout the tempestuous journey, Augusta's magical sacred teas draw the inevitable closer and closer. Mystic Tea is a contemporary love story between young and old, franchised and disenfranchised, pedestrian and mystic. Most of all, it is a story of female empowerment as the women find the courage to confront epic challenges, creating a surprising future from the oppressive ashes of the past. It will make you smile as much as it will make you think.… (meer)
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Mystic Tea kept popping up as a Kindle unlimited book I should want to read. In this case, Amazon did a good job as this book fits nicely with some of the reading I am doing.

Set in an almost defunct convent led by not always perfect nuns in upstate New York, the book tells the story of the old nuns and two young women who join them. Grace, the convent's founder, now long dead, continues to exert a powerful spiritual influence, and one of the newcomers, a young woman who knows nothing of God or religion, bears a strong resemblance to Grace. The other young woman takes her own beliefs to an extreme including self harm in the spirit of the ancient penitents. She also suffers from some sort of mental health issue that leads to a split personality. This part of the book was somewhat disturbing, but the current mother superior, Sister Mike, eventually gets her the help she needs.

I enjoyed the book--it dealt with spiritual issues in an authentic and thoughtful way mainly through the eyes of three characters: the two young women and Sister Mike. We hear briefly from the oldest nun, Augusta, who inhabits her own trailer and exerts great influence through her medicinal and possibly magical teas concocted from her garden. ( )
  witchyrichy | Apr 30, 2023 |
Becoming the member of the week of an internet support group I belong afforded me the opportunity to choose a book written by another member from a list of books. Amd as a Book Reviewer I prefer to read REAL BOOKS especially when they’ve been signed, which is why I’ve chosen “Mystic Tea” for my next book to read/review. The following review is my honest opinion for this book.

While not being a Catholic has prevented me from knowing what nuns are really supposed to be like. On one hand, for me, the nuns in this book seems to me to be juxtaposition from what I’ve have been led to believe in the dramatic movies, etc., I’ve seen. On the other hand I can’t help but wonder whether the Sally Field character in “The Flying Nun”, Sister Bertrille; or Whoopi Goldberg’s character in “Sister Act”, Sister Mary Clarance, had any influence in Ms. Martin’s writing of this book.
“Mystic Tea” is a wonderful conglomeration of mixed-match women/nuns with each one seeking empowerment in their daily existence as the threat of possibly losing their home, the monastery, looms over their heads. The empowerment they find comes from within themselves as each discovers who they truly are, as well as from each other. The diversity for each character to each other aids in making their interaction quite interesting, and adds to the beauty for the book as a whole. This is especially true when it came to dealing with a relatively large change in their lives as I’ve just mentioned.

By naming each of her chapters in a somewhat helter-skelter random manner with one of her character’s name, seems to add to the realization of their differences while at the same time seeing how complex their relationship. And depending to what extend you’ve read this book, you might be able to see a collection of stories, one for each character which have been skillfully merged to give you this 5 STAR book.

Robin Leigh Morgan is a prize-winning Flash Fiction writer who's the author of "Micro Fiction - An Anthology," as well as the author of a MG/YA Paranormal romance novel entitled, "I Kissed a Ghost." ( )
Deze recensie is door meerdere gebruikers gemarkeerd als misbruik van de servicevoorwaarden en wordt niet langer weergegeven (tonen).
  MyPenNameOnly | Jan 23, 2015 |
Divinely Written. Divinely Read. Divinely Enjoyed.

Mystic Tea is a wonderful new book by author, Rea Nolan Martin. Hilarious yet serious. Spiritual yet Real. This book did not disappoint. The women portrayed in the book are wonderful and I had to keep reading to find out how it ended.

A very enjoyable read.

Highly Recommended!! ( )
Deze recensie is door meerdere gebruikers gemarkeerd als misbruik van de servicevoorwaarden en wordt niet langer weergegeven (tonen).
  Amanda_E | Sep 4, 2013 |
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Fiction. Literature. A community of quirky, mismatched, and endearing women struggle to find meaning and purpose on a ramshackle monastery in upstate New York. Having spent their lives in service to a church that seems to no longer serve them, they are confused about their own futures and the future of the entire monastery. Led by Mike, the practical no-nonsense prioress, and Augusta, the grand ancient mystic hermit, they are joined by Gemma, a self-punishing novice, and Arielle, a firebrand jailhouse conversion who was sent there out of rehab by a "sort of angel." The personalities, commitments, philosophies and beliefs of these and all the characters conflict and converge in ways at once perilous and enlightening. Throughout the tempestuous journey, Augusta's magical sacred teas draw the inevitable closer and closer. Mystic Tea is a contemporary love story between young and old, franchised and disenfranchised, pedestrian and mystic. Most of all, it is a story of female empowerment as the women find the courage to confront epic challenges, creating a surprising future from the oppressive ashes of the past. It will make you smile as much as it will make you think.

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