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The Purpose Driven Life

door Rick Warren

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14,171131417 (3.47)115
Religion & Spirituality. Nonfiction. HTML:

A Groundbreaking Manifesto on the Meaning of Life The Purpose-Driven Life will help you understand why you are alive and God's amazing plan for you---both here and now, and for eternity. Rick Warren will guide you through a personal 40-day spiritual journey that will transform your answer to life's most important question: What on earth am I here for? Knowing God's purpose for creating you will reduce your stress, focus your energy, simplify your decisions, give meaning to your life, and, most importantly, prepare you for eternity. This recording offers a blueprint for Christian living in the 21st century---a lifestyle based on God's eternal purposes, not cultural values. Using over 1,200 scriptural quotes and references, it challenges the conventional definitions of worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and evangelism. In the tradition of Oswald Chambers, Rick Warren offers distilled wisdom on the essence of what life is all about. Full of hope and challenge, The Purpose-Driven Life will be a classic treasured by generations to come.

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Designed to be read over the course of forty-two days, The Purpose Driven Life will help you see the big picture, giving you a fresh perspective on the way that the pieces of your life fit together. Every chapter of The Purpose Driven Life provides a daily meditation and practical steps to help you uncover and live out your purpose, starting with exploring three essential questions:
The Question of Existence: Why am I alive?
The Question of Significance: Does my life matter?
The Question of Purpose: What on earth am I here for?
  PendleHillLibrary | May 31, 2024 |
40 Days of your Life to discover God's Purpose for you! Also ideal for a Study Group as we have 7 copies of this book in this library.
  MenoraChurch | Oct 29, 2023 |
n this book the Purpose Driven Life is Christian pastor Rick Warren's answer to the burning question that we all have about why we're here and explains God's five purposes for your life and how you can realize and live each of them by going on a 40-day spiritual journey ( )
  omarhussain125 | Aug 24, 2023 |
Studied through this book with the folks at church. Much of what's here is a rehash of other books and sermons on Christian living. Mr. Warren does put it together in an appealing way and add his own sparks of insight from time to time. ( )
  zot79 | Aug 20, 2023 |
Una vida con propósito es mucho más que un libro; es una guía para un viaje espiritual. Una vez inicias este viaje, nunca más volverás a ser el mismo. En tu viaje, encontrará las respuestas a tres de las preguntas más importantes de la vida: La pregunta de la existencia: ¿Por qué estoy vivo?
  gladyssacolon | Jul 11, 2023 |
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"This book is dedicated to you. Before you were born, God planned this moment in your life. It is no accident that you are holding this book. God longs for you to discover the life he created you to live-here on earth, and forever in eternity. 'It's in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ,...he had his eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone. Ephesians 1:2 (Msg)' I am grateful to the hundreds of writers and teachers, both classical and contemporary, who have shaped my life and helped me learn these truths. I thank God and you for the privilege of sharing them with you."
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"This is more than a book; it is a guide to a 40-day spiritual journey that will enable you to discover the answer to life's most important question: What on earth am I here for?"
"For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible, ... everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him. Colossians 1:16 MSG"
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Religion & Spirituality. Nonfiction. HTML:

A Groundbreaking Manifesto on the Meaning of Life The Purpose-Driven Life will help you understand why you are alive and God's amazing plan for you---both here and now, and for eternity. Rick Warren will guide you through a personal 40-day spiritual journey that will transform your answer to life's most important question: What on earth am I here for? Knowing God's purpose for creating you will reduce your stress, focus your energy, simplify your decisions, give meaning to your life, and, most importantly, prepare you for eternity. This recording offers a blueprint for Christian living in the 21st century---a lifestyle based on God's eternal purposes, not cultural values. Using over 1,200 scriptural quotes and references, it challenges the conventional definitions of worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and evangelism. In the tradition of Oswald Chambers, Rick Warren offers distilled wisdom on the essence of what life is all about. Full of hope and challenge, The Purpose-Driven Life will be a classic treasured by generations to come.


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Gemiddelde: (3.47)
0.5 13
1 106
1.5 6
2 131
2.5 13
3 281
3.5 27
4 313
4.5 17
5 303

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