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Dangerous to Know & Love

door Jane Harvey-Berrick

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752367,299 (3.57)Geen
Nineteen year old Daniel Colton is the guy all the girls want to date, and the man all the guys want to be. Moody, with an explosive temper, closed off and sullen, he's also beautiful, tatted in delicious ways, with a pierced eyebrow and spiky black hair. It's rumoured he has piercings in other places, too. Is he really mad, bad and dangerous to know? Daniel lives with his older brother, Zef, and their home is party central. You want drugs, a good time, liquor, no questions asked? Colton's is the place to go. When Daniel and good girl Lisanne Maclaine have to work on together on assignment, Lisanne finds there's a lot more to the college's bad boy than his reputation. He's intelligent and funny and good company. And then she discovers his secret, why he's so closed off to everyone, and determined to keep people at arms' length. But being his secret-keeper is harder than she ever dreamed.… (meer)
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3.5 stars ( )
  Lara-IT | Feb 3, 2021 |
DANGEROUS TO KNOW AND LOVE was an okay read for me. I wasn’t sure what to expect and based on the description I thought I would take a chance. It was a good love story based on a true and trusting friendship that developed between Lisanne and Daniel. The characters were well developed but I found them a bit hard to relate to. Having said that, there were times where I thought I understood them and even felt for them but overall something didn’t sit right with me.

I found it hard to read, so was putting it down and going onto something else. Although there was a twist, it just didn’t keep my interest. This could be due to the fact that I am more of a mystery/thriller reader as well as a mood reader. This was strictly based on my perception but others may have a different take on it. Overall, I would recommend this to readers of romance who would probably enjoy this.

Rating: 3

Reviewed by: KellyR

Courtesy of My Book Addiction and More ( )
  MyBookAddiction | Aug 24, 2013 |
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Nineteen year old Daniel Colton is the guy all the girls want to date, and the man all the guys want to be. Moody, with an explosive temper, closed off and sullen, he's also beautiful, tatted in delicious ways, with a pierced eyebrow and spiky black hair. It's rumoured he has piercings in other places, too. Is he really mad, bad and dangerous to know? Daniel lives with his older brother, Zef, and their home is party central. You want drugs, a good time, liquor, no questions asked? Colton's is the place to go. When Daniel and good girl Lisanne Maclaine have to work on together on assignment, Lisanne finds there's a lot more to the college's bad boy than his reputation. He's intelligent and funny and good company. And then she discovers his secret, why he's so closed off to everyone, and determined to keep people at arms' length. But being his secret-keeper is harder than she ever dreamed.

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