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What's Left of Me (What's Left of Me, #1)

door Amanda Maxlyn

Reeksen: What's Left of Me (1)

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947297,778 (4)1
Life works in mysterious ways. Four years ago, I became known as the girl with cancer. I refuse to cry. And I refuse to give in. A relationship with a man is the last thing I'm looking for right now, but one night with Parker changes everything. He is persistent, and he knows what he wants. He doesn't treat me like I'm fragile. But he doesn't know, and I'm not ready to tell him. What if it changes everything? Tragedy found me when I was seventeen. Love found me when I was twenty-one. My name is Aundrea McCall, and this is my journey. Contains mature themes.… (meer)
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1-5 van 7 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Awesome story

So real and so down-to-earth. What a heart wrenching, but beautiful moving love story. Story of courage, strength, hope, fear, and above all else a love from another person that we all yearn for. Don't pass this one up! ( )
  JKJ94 | Jul 27, 2023 |
I felt as if I was reading 2 stories, here.
One was a cancer suffering young woman, going through her treatment, step by step in very revealing detail and the other was too many sex scenes, upsetting the balance of the book.
Good, otherwise. ( )
  gogglemiss | Jun 18, 2019 |
I liked the way this was done. Aundrea has cancer and is starting some really intense treatments when she meets Parker. She decides not to tell him that she's sick and just have fun. I liked that even though Aundrea was sick and we definitely got to see that side, we also got a good amount of smut and happiness. Parker was so cute and sweet and really like Aundrea. I felt bad that he didn't know she was sick, but they were great together. The ending, wow, not cool haha. The narrators were great and made the story fun. ( )
  AlyP59 | Apr 25, 2019 |
A story about falling in love and the daily struggles of Cancer...

I am honestly on the fence with this book. While it left me turning the pages and kept me interested in the storyline, I couldn't help but feel like it has been done before and done better.

It had some really strong points... For example The writing was good and the male lead is a Vet. You don't see that often and I was intrigued. Another fantastic part with the mind f* at the end. I fell for it and was completely shocked when the truth was revealed.

The part lacking for me was... Her telling him about the Cancer too late in the book. I would have liked to see them work through it together. There were so many perfect opportunities for him to find out and I just felt like I would have connected more to the story if she would have told him sooner.

The writing was good and the idea was good. If you are looking for a sexy, emotional read... This one is probably for you. If you like your emotional books more realistic and romantic, then I would not recommend you read this one.

( )
  ReadersCandyb | Oct 7, 2016 |
Maybe I shouldn't review, but I couldn't read past a few chapters. It was confusing and the girl seemed like too much of a contradiction. She says she will fight, yet goes along with what her friend says? That doesn't make sense. In fact, too much doesn't make sense and contradicts things. It also drones on to the point where you get bored and give up. ( )
  eeminxs | May 27, 2016 |
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Life works in mysterious ways. Four years ago, I became known as the girl with cancer. I refuse to cry. And I refuse to give in. A relationship with a man is the last thing I'm looking for right now, but one night with Parker changes everything. He is persistent, and he knows what he wants. He doesn't treat me like I'm fragile. But he doesn't know, and I'm not ready to tell him. What if it changes everything? Tragedy found me when I was seventeen. Love found me when I was twenty-one. My name is Aundrea McCall, and this is my journey. Contains mature themes.

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