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Working It

door Kendall Ryan

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Reeksen: Love By Design (Ryan) (1)

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1027275,573 (3.89)Geen
Straight-laced and well-mannered southerner Emmy Clarke is out of her depth in New York City's fashion world, but when she lands a job as an assistant at a modeling agency it seems like the perfect mix of business and pleasure. Working under the notoriously tyrannical Fiona Stone is a nightmare, but there's one distinct perk: ogling the ridiculously hot male models who parade through the office-particularly rising star Ben Shaw. Ben is everything Emmy's not: exquisitely gorgeous, highly paid, and well traveled. He's also got more issues than Vogue. Emmy looks after Ben on photo shoots, but she refuses to become another one of his lusting groupies. Ben finds Emmy's refreshingly real attitude to be surprisingly attractive. Against a backdrop of the most fashionable cities in the world, casual flirting turns into an illicit affair, but when Ben's twisted past is revealed, and the bitter Fiona catches wind of their relationship, their careers and hearts are threatened.… (meer)
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1-5 van 7 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
So I've thought about this for a day before adding my rating and review. I typically really like this author's books, but something was off between Ben and Emmy from the beginning. I didn't really like or dislike either of them, and I didn't really feel any chemistry between them, so I was never really drawn into this story. I love getting sucke din and not being able to put a book down, and that didn't happen for me. Ben seemed kind of juvenile and rude in the beginning, and in the end, Emmy really p!ssed me off (shocker!) with her forgiving Ben so easily. I know they didn't get back together and have sex like nothing ever happened, but her deciding Ben did nothing wrong really pissed me off. Can we get a female MC who isn't a total pushover for once?! ( )
  DreZ | Jan 15, 2015 |
So I've thought about this for a day before adding my rating and review. I typically really like this author's books, but something was off between Ben and Emmy from the beginning. I didn't really like or dislike either of them, and I didn't really feel any chemistry between them, so I was never really drawn into this story. I love getting sucke din and not being able to put a book down, and that didn't happen for me. Ben seemed kind of juvenile and rude in the beginning, and in the end, Emmy really p!ssed me off (shocker!) with her forgiving Ben so easily. I know they didn't get back together and have sex like nothing ever happened, but her deciding Ben did nothing wrong really pissed me off. Can we get a female MC who isn't a total pushover for once?! ( )
  DreZ | Jan 15, 2015 |
So I've thought about this for a day before adding my rating and review. I typically really like this author's books, but something was off between Ben and Emmy from the beginning. I didn't really like or dislike either of them, and I didn't really feel any chemistry between them, so I was never really drawn into this story. I love getting sucke din and not being able to put a book down, and that didn't happen for me. Ben seemed kind of juvenile and rude in the beginning, and in the end, Emmy really p!ssed me off (shocker!) with her forgiving Ben so easily. I know they didn't get back together and have sex like nothing ever happened, but her deciding Ben did nothing wrong really pissed me off. Can we get a female MC who isn't a total pushover for once?! ( )
  DreZ | Jan 15, 2015 |
Innocent Emily meets "he's sexy & he knows it" model Ben. The attraction draws them both to each other either though they both know better. But Fiona owns Ben and doesn't like what she see happening between Emmy & Ben. She steps in, in hopes of destroying what they have.

Hot & steamy read even if it is slightly predictable. It hurts so good. haha Would have enjoyed a little more buildup with Ben & Emmy though. I still look forward to reading what's next for them though. Warning - cliffhanger!

I received this book in exchange for an honest review. ( )
  Books007 | Oct 1, 2014 |
I LOVED Emmy and Ben. I have to admit, being a TN girl myself, I loved that Emmy is from Tennessee. I know that doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, but I love seeing my home state in novels. Anyways :)

Emmy is living in New York and works under Fiona(major bitch) for Status Modeling Agency. It's not easy working for Fiona but Emmy likes her job and with the promise of travel it's hard not to. Her whole world flips upside down when she meets Ben Shaw. I loved Ben. I don't think there is really one thing about him I didn't like. There was times when I wanted to be mad at him, but couldn't he had me melting faster than Emmy I think! ;) Oh and I LOVED his dirty mouth! This was probably one of my favorites by Kendall Ryan. I can't wait to see more of these two!

p.s. Kendall, please, oh, please tell me Braydon is getting his own book!?!? I adored him!!! :) ( )
  Mommy.Reads.What | Jun 22, 2014 |
1-5 van 7 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Kendall Ryanprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Carpenter, JasonVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Thibodeaux, ShaynaVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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Straight-laced and well-mannered southerner Emmy Clarke is out of her depth in New York City's fashion world, but when she lands a job as an assistant at a modeling agency it seems like the perfect mix of business and pleasure. Working under the notoriously tyrannical Fiona Stone is a nightmare, but there's one distinct perk: ogling the ridiculously hot male models who parade through the office-particularly rising star Ben Shaw. Ben is everything Emmy's not: exquisitely gorgeous, highly paid, and well traveled. He's also got more issues than Vogue. Emmy looks after Ben on photo shoots, but she refuses to become another one of his lusting groupies. Ben finds Emmy's refreshingly real attitude to be surprisingly attractive. Against a backdrop of the most fashionable cities in the world, casual flirting turns into an illicit affair, but when Ben's twisted past is revealed, and the bitter Fiona catches wind of their relationship, their careers and hearts are threatened.

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