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Death of the PC: The authoritative guide to the decline of the PC and the rise of post-PC devices

door Matt Baxter-Reynolds

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Can we survive without the PC? We can all tell the PC is dying. Sales have been in decline. But are we ready for an era in which technology is changing so fast the stalwart of the tech revolution has its days numbered? Surely we need our PCs -- but these new devices, smartphones and tablets, are not toys. They make us laugh and let us cry. They become woven into our lives and become something we can t live without. But why? In this book Matt Baxter-Reynolds -- author, columnist, and technology sociologist -- will take you through why post-PC devices speak to people and how they change their work and home lives. Importantly, he ll show you how the enterprise PC industry will still let technologists make a living despite the chaos of change.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorClifSven, Bodivit, GirardE
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L'ordinateur est devenu essentiel depuis son apparition dans notre vie numérique, mais il est également vu comme un appareil à prendre en option à présent ce qui est dût aux smartphones et tablettes qui gagnent de plus en plus d'ampleur sur le marché. Ces appareils prennent une importance de plus en plus grande auprès des consommateurs pour faire toute sorte d'activité visuelle comme communiquer, s'amuser, se divertir, travailler, acheter... Mais voilà, ces nombreuses activités sont possibles sur l'ordinateur comme sur les smartphones et tablettes ce qui place l'ordinateur dans les dernières positions.
  Bodivit | Dec 3, 2013 |
Le PC, indispensable depuis de nombreuses années dans notre quotidien est désormais devenu optionnel grâce aux smartphones et aux tablettes. Ils prennent de plus en plus de place dans les habitudes des gens, pour regarder des films ou jouer, ou même pour travailler ou réserver des vacances, tout est désormais possible et l'ordinateur, toujours présent, se pare d'une couche de poussière.
  GirardE | Nov 18, 2013 |
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Can we survive without the PC? We can all tell the PC is dying. Sales have been in decline. But are we ready for an era in which technology is changing so fast the stalwart of the tech revolution has its days numbered? Surely we need our PCs -- but these new devices, smartphones and tablets, are not toys. They make us laugh and let us cry. They become woven into our lives and become something we can t live without. But why? In this book Matt Baxter-Reynolds -- author, columnist, and technology sociologist -- will take you through why post-PC devices speak to people and how they change their work and home lives. Importantly, he ll show you how the enterprise PC industry will still let technologists make a living despite the chaos of change.

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