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Circle of Hope: An Inspiring NASCAR Journey

door Deann Alford

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912,041,512 (2.5)3
On June 17, 2006, unknown part-time driver David Gilliland brought his homemade car and can-do attitude to Kentucky Speedway. With just seven NASCAR starts, his best Nationwide finish was 29th. But that night he achieved one of the sport's greatest upsets ever. Circle of Hope: An Inspiring NASCAR Journey profiles fascinating lesser-known drivers in NASCAR's two top series through joy and triumph, disappointment and defeat. Journalist Deann Alford follows hope-driven stories of Sprint Cup driver David Reutimann; NASCAR legend Morgan Shepherd; ARCA truck champion Brett Rowe; Nationwide driver Eric McClure; and David Gilliland whose spectacular win landed on NASCAR media's ballot for "Race of the Decade." This book offers behind-the-scenes portraits of drivers and those covering the sport, plus vignettes with stars Tony Stewart, Kevin Harvick, Carl Edwards, Jimmie Johnson, Trevor Bayne and celebrated dirt racer Buzzie Reutimann. Each provided the author with hope amid her own darkest season of grief. Circle of Hope brings refreshing encouragement to those needing hope, no matter their walk, in their own battles of life.… (meer)
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So while I love me some Nascar.
I cannot say the same about this book.
On chapter 1 I felt I was all over the place and did not think that I even wanted to finish this read.
I am not sure that I learned anything about Nascar and I think what got me was the narrative of this book.
I think the author tried so hard to tell a story but the dialogue was off and not readable. ( )
  Angel.Carter | Aug 11, 2016 |
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On June 17, 2006, unknown part-time driver David Gilliland brought his homemade car and can-do attitude to Kentucky Speedway. With just seven NASCAR starts, his best Nationwide finish was 29th. But that night he achieved one of the sport's greatest upsets ever. Circle of Hope: An Inspiring NASCAR Journey profiles fascinating lesser-known drivers in NASCAR's two top series through joy and triumph, disappointment and defeat. Journalist Deann Alford follows hope-driven stories of Sprint Cup driver David Reutimann; NASCAR legend Morgan Shepherd; ARCA truck champion Brett Rowe; Nationwide driver Eric McClure; and David Gilliland whose spectacular win landed on NASCAR media's ballot for "Race of the Decade." This book offers behind-the-scenes portraits of drivers and those covering the sport, plus vignettes with stars Tony Stewart, Kevin Harvick, Carl Edwards, Jimmie Johnson, Trevor Bayne and celebrated dirt racer Buzzie Reutimann. Each provided the author with hope amid her own darkest season of grief. Circle of Hope brings refreshing encouragement to those needing hope, no matter their walk, in their own battles of life.

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