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Beautiful Broken Mess

door Kimberly Lauren

Reeksen: Broken {Lauren} (2)

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6611412,530 (3.65)Geen
Jace Riley and Audrey Mills had a tender and irresistibly passionate romance...until Audrey shattered his heart. Years later, she still can't stop thinking about him. They shared kisses that she'll never forget, and one brief, explosive encounter that she wishes she could. But no boy could rescue Audrey from her nightmarish home life, so she rescued herself, got through college and got into graduate school...only to find herself at the same school as Jace and his identical twin brother, Jaxon, who has his own complicated history with her.It takes only one glimpse of Audrey's long legs and brown eyes for Jace to ache for her once more. Yet he's determined not to fall for her again. She ripped apart his heart and betrayed his brother...or so he thought. But what if Jace made a terrible mistake about Audrey? And what if he has one last chance to fix it?… (meer)
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1-5 van 11 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Second in the series which I actually read first cuz I like a bad girl gone good. Some of the writing and conflicts seemed contrived as in the first book. Seriously why did she think it was a good idea to joke about being married to the other brother? Oh right, for manufactured conflict's sake it turns out. Again an okay read but not real memorable. Probably won't go on with the series. ( )
  Luziadovalongo | Jul 14, 2022 |
Oh my gosh, I didn't think I could love this book more than Beautiful Broken Rules. I mean, I absolutely loved Jaxon and Emerson's story. But, Jace and Audrey? Oh, my! Their pain level was off the charts and their chemistry and passion was through the roof amazing! I literally cried for Audrey and Jace. I wanted their happy ending as if it was my own happy ending. Seriously, Kimberly Lauren takes all the angst she can find, and bundles it up into the perfect romance novel! Absolutely stunning! If you are looking for a quick, light-hearted read, don't grab this one. If you want a book that is 5 star worthy, beautifully written, and will leave you in a blubbering mess through, then absolutely grab this read, and let Lauren take you on that roller coaster ride of emotions. Fabulously done, Ms. Lauren. I can't wait to see what's in store with Promises! ( )
  cover2covercafe | May 14, 2019 |
I gave this 4.25 stars.... Main reason being that I now love Audrey! In Beautiful Broken Rules, she left kind of a sour taste in our mouths. We thought she was a psycho... Little did we know her story!
Their tragic past with secrets that could have brought them together instead of tearing them apart, feelings that never faded through everything, and their states of being unsure of being together, make this story one that is hard to put down.
You will fall in love with Audrey. Feel sorry for her. Long for her to and Jace to work things out. I found myself begging her to just tell him everything... beg for him to be hers.
Jace was so heartbroken back in high school... Now you see him as a loving and guarded man. His feelings for Audrey run deep. I found myself wanting him to run to her and tell her to forget about the past... force her to try to start new...
But we know it isn't that simple... It would make for a boring book. When tragedy strikes, things really get interesting and heartbreaking. ( )
  AmberGoleb | Mar 13, 2018 |
Definitely enjoyed this one more than its predecessor.

It was great to learn more about Audrey's character as well as Jace's. It really helps put the first book in perspective.

I thought the first half of the book was the stronger portion. Near the last half of the book, I found the maturity of the characters started to decline slightly and their dramatics got to me a bit. It just dampened my love for their romance a bit because they seemed to have moved past all of that.

I'm very curious to see what will happen in the next book so I will probably pick it up sometime in the future. ( )
  seriesousbooks | Feb 7, 2018 |
I loved book 1 of this series so idk why it took me so long to read book 2. The Riley twins are amazing along with the entire group of friends. I think it's great how the characters aren't perfect. I also like how the author doesn't follow the good little virgin girl after the big badass boy outline. The characters all make good decisions and bad decisions, but at the same time, nothing is so left field that they can't come back from it. None of the characters did anything I felt was ridiculous, and I never lost any respect or love for them. I really recommend this book. It's sweet and realistic and sexy all in one. ( )
  ToniFGMAMTC | Jan 19, 2017 |
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Jace Riley and Audrey Mills had a tender and irresistibly passionate romance...until Audrey shattered his heart. Years later, she still can't stop thinking about him. They shared kisses that she'll never forget, and one brief, explosive encounter that she wishes she could. But no boy could rescue Audrey from her nightmarish home life, so she rescued herself, got through college and got into graduate school...only to find herself at the same school as Jace and his identical twin brother, Jaxon, who has his own complicated history with her.It takes only one glimpse of Audrey's long legs and brown eyes for Jace to ache for her once more. Yet he's determined not to fall for her again. She ripped apart his heart and betrayed his brother...or so he thought. But what if Jace made a terrible mistake about Audrey? And what if he has one last chance to fix it?

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Kimberly Lauren is een LibraryThing auteur: een auteur die zijn persoonlijke bibliotheek toont op LibraryThing.

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