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A History of Sri Lanka

door K. M. deSilva

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401641,373 (3.5)Geen
Sri Lanka is an ancient civilization, shaped and thrust into the modern globalizing world by its colonial experience. With its own unique problems, many of them historical legacies, it is a nation trying to maintain a democratic, pluralistic state structure while struggling to come to terms with separatist aspirations. This is a complex story, and there is perhaps no better person to present it in reasoned, scholarly terms than K.M. de Silva, Sri Lanka s most distinguished and prolific historian. A History of Sri Lanka, first published in 1981, has established itself as the standard work on the subject. This fully revised edition, in light of the most recent research, brings the story right up to the early years of the twenty-first century. The book provides comprehensive coverage of all aspects of Sri Lanka s development from a classical Buddhist society and irrigation economy, to its emergence as a tropical colony producing some of the world s most important cash crops, such as cinnamon, tea, rubber and coconut, and finally as an Asian democracy.… (meer)
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I wanted a book that spanned island's history from the earliest know societies to the present day and one that could be for a general audience rather than a purely academic one. This was the one book I could find that fitted that brief. It does so pretty comprehensively. I especially found the pre-colonial period of interest and the level of infrastructure (especially irrigation) that had been developed and how that compared with Europe at that time.
It's 700 pages in this edition in paperback, an easy style to read, but could have been more concise in a number of places. The only bit that left me wanting was the coverage of the latter stages of the civil conflict. It ends before the conclusion and therefore leaves that open, but also leaves out the kind of retrospective analysis which could only be done once the conflict had ended.

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  peterjt | Feb 20, 2020 |
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Sri Lanka is an ancient civilization, shaped and thrust into the modern globalizing world by its colonial experience. With its own unique problems, many of them historical legacies, it is a nation trying to maintain a democratic, pluralistic state structure while struggling to come to terms with separatist aspirations. This is a complex story, and there is perhaps no better person to present it in reasoned, scholarly terms than K.M. de Silva, Sri Lanka s most distinguished and prolific historian. A History of Sri Lanka, first published in 1981, has established itself as the standard work on the subject. This fully revised edition, in light of the most recent research, brings the story right up to the early years of the twenty-first century. The book provides comprehensive coverage of all aspects of Sri Lanka s development from a classical Buddhist society and irrigation economy, to its emergence as a tropical colony producing some of the world s most important cash crops, such as cinnamon, tea, rubber and coconut, and finally as an Asian democracy.

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