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Camping with the Communists: The Adventures of an American Family in the Soviet Union

door Karen Gilden

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324,220,023 (3.17)5
The ultimate road trip This inspiring adventure tale follows an American woman and her family as they drive 3,800 miles through the Soviet Union in a VW Camper. Traveling at the height of the Cold War, the Gildens were on their own in the USSR, with no guide and few road signs, following their noses on a unique-in-every-way adventure. Join the family as they struggle with the Soviet bureaucracy, come face to face with the KGB, smuggle a diamond ring, and say "Nyet " to the border guards. Whether you remember the Soviet Union or not, this book is a treat to read-smart, entertaining, and funny. You won't be able to put it down.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorLynnB, Jackie_K, Oreillynsf
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In the 1970s, Karen and Ray Gilden and their 11-year-old daughter, Jennifer, spend several weeks driving through Russia in a Volkswagen van. Though their route and stop-over locations were strictly delineated by the USSR government, they travelled mostly without any guides or organized tours. This is a charming, human story about the people they met and the things they learned.

The book wasn't written until 2013 and I wish it had been written earlier where the author would have remembered more details and perhaps created an even better sense of life behind the iron curtain. But I still enjoyed following the family's travels. ( )
  LynnB | Apr 14, 2023 |
A sweet book about a family's adventures camping in a variety of locales in the Soviet Union. Full of humor, human moments, and a lesson that we are all fundamentally the same. No political agenda, just a story about people meeting people and discovering one another. ( )
  Oreillynsf | Mar 24, 2014 |
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The ultimate road trip This inspiring adventure tale follows an American woman and her family as they drive 3,800 miles through the Soviet Union in a VW Camper. Traveling at the height of the Cold War, the Gildens were on their own in the USSR, with no guide and few road signs, following their noses on a unique-in-every-way adventure. Join the family as they struggle with the Soviet bureaucracy, come face to face with the KGB, smuggle a diamond ring, and say "Nyet " to the border guards. Whether you remember the Soviet Union or not, this book is a treat to read-smart, entertaining, and funny. You won't be able to put it down.

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Gemiddelde: (3.17)
3 2
3.5 1

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