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This Is Not an Accident: Stories

door April Wilder

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262916,929 (4.17)3
Presents a collection containing a novella and short stories about the mishaps and near-disasters of everyday life and their consequences.
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I enjoyed this, but after some years since reading it, I don't recall enough to discuss it. ( )
  mykl-s | Aug 13, 2023 |
Wow. I love short stories, even—sometimes especially—when they truck in the familiar, the comforting, the well-worn. But there's always the little voice in the back of my mind clamoring to be told something new, or something old in a new way. And these are those stories, without a doubt. This is a challenging and complicated collection, not a quick read. And while the voice is wickedly clever and the humor dark, the tone is never smart-assy or show-offy. Wilder cares about these characters, no matter how offbeat or strange they seem. Because, in fact, they're no different from any of us, and this is her point—a point she makes eloquently, sometimes hilariously, and sometimes in such a bittersweet way as to make me close the book for a minute and just think.

These stories are well worth the time it takes to read them closely, and will mess with your head, just a little, in the best possible way.

AND I've got a nice long piece about the book and author up at Bloom -- come on by and see. ( )
1 stem lisapeet | Mar 22, 2014 |
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Presents a collection containing a novella and short stories about the mishaps and near-disasters of everyday life and their consequences.

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Haiku samenvatting

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Gemiddelde: (4.17)
4 2
4.5 1

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