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Pack of Strays

door Dana Cameron

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Reeksen: Fangborn (2)

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394655,423 (3.48)1
The second exciting novel in the Fangborn series. Archaeologist Zoe Miller has only recently learned she is Fangborn, a secretive race of werewolves, vampires, and oracles dedicated to protecting humanity. But after she discovered and opened Pandora's Box, the fabled item has lived up to its myth, and for Zoe and her friends, all hell has broken loose. Now she's on a double mission: to prevent a politician from revealing the existence of the Fangborn and to foil the diabolical plans of the powerful Order of Nicomedia, a group dedicated to eradicating her kind. But Zoe is also noticing disturbing changes in herself--new and unique abilities. Her visions are intensifying too, drawing her to faraway places to find more artifacts like the bejeweled bracelet embedded in her wrist. In a world of dizzying shifts, who can Zoe trust? For while her former lover wants to turn her in, her former adversary seems dedicated to helping her mission succeed... The second novel in Dana Cameron's Fangborn series, Pack of Strays takes the fast-paced adventure of Seven Kinds of Hell to a whole new level… (meer)
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Toon 4 van 4
I like this although I didn't appreciate the cliffhanger. This was a Kindle Unlimited, but I think I'll purchase the Kindle and audiobooks because I know that I'll re-read it sometime in the future.

Looking forward to #3. ( )
  jazzbird61 | Feb 29, 2024 |
The second book follows up right after the first one. Zoe is following her visions to find more artifacts. Along the way she once again gathers allies including meeting up wiht her cousin who has taken a job in a city where her vision has led her. She finds out more about how the artifacts are controlling her and how to use them in turn. There is a new villain or at least new to Zoe since she doesn't know everything about being a Fangborn. The pace is pretty quick and things end on top by the end for Zoe but the overall story arc is far from being completed.

Digital review copy provided by the publisher through NetGalley ( )
  Glennis.LeBlanc | Jan 6, 2020 |
If I could, I'd give the story 3.5 stars. The book is very busy, which is good, but there's almost too many characters to remember. I also didn't like how the book ended on a cliffhanger. The main character finds herself drawn to ancient fangborn artifacts all over the world while simultaneously running from evil, dodging her own people, and battling protectors. ( )
  BookJunkie777 | Oct 16, 2016 |
Ah joy, love triangles. And sex. Mmphs. I could have lived without either.

Another good book in the series. So good that I'm already somewhere in the middle of the third book, which makes writing anything about this one harder to do.

Let's see let's see. This book opens with Zoe inside a special government facility. Surrounded by friends and loved ones. And strangers. The strangers are the ones who like poking her with stuff to see what happens when they do that. Things change, her friends and loved ones poof. She spends more of her time drugged and tested upon, with some story about how every single one of her friends decided to leave. Without saying bye.

Three weeks pass in this manner. Until two people from the prior book help her escape.

Zoe wanders around, somewhat aimlessly ('go north', she tells the person who drives her away from the facility). Occasionally stopping to attack evil. Sleeping, for no reason I can fathom, in the same bed with this other. You know, I should use names. Right, so, even though they aren't lovers or anything, they share a bed. That horrifies me. The mere thought of having to share a bed with someone else. eww. I mean, it makes no sense. She fled her only boyfriend because she had dreams of rolling over and biting his head off. So . . . a guy who has alternated in being an enemy and helper, and a woman with strange new powers she doesn't understand to go along with the older powers she still doesn't understand and . . . they sleep in the same bed? Seriously? (view spoiler)

So. Zoe continues to wander around. Attacking evil. Getting kidnapped, tortured, wandering nearish 'artifacts', having said artifacts get excited by her presence. And has the Family see her as evil. All in a . . um . . I don't recall how much time has passed in the book. All in an undetermined period of time.

I would again recommend this book, though note that this is falling further and further into the Paranormal category. Because of the sex. ( )
  Lexxi | Aug 17, 2015 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Dana Cameronprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Rudd, KateVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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The second exciting novel in the Fangborn series. Archaeologist Zoe Miller has only recently learned she is Fangborn, a secretive race of werewolves, vampires, and oracles dedicated to protecting humanity. But after she discovered and opened Pandora's Box, the fabled item has lived up to its myth, and for Zoe and her friends, all hell has broken loose. Now she's on a double mission: to prevent a politician from revealing the existence of the Fangborn and to foil the diabolical plans of the powerful Order of Nicomedia, a group dedicated to eradicating her kind. But Zoe is also noticing disturbing changes in herself--new and unique abilities. Her visions are intensifying too, drawing her to faraway places to find more artifacts like the bejeweled bracelet embedded in her wrist. In a world of dizzying shifts, who can Zoe trust? For while her former lover wants to turn her in, her former adversary seems dedicated to helping her mission succeed... The second novel in Dana Cameron's Fangborn series, Pack of Strays takes the fast-paced adventure of Seven Kinds of Hell to a whole new level

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Gemiddelde: (3.48)
2 1
3 10
4 7
4.5 1
5 1

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