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The Sea for Breakfast door Lillian Beckwith
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The Sea for Breakfast (editie 2008)

door Lillian Beckwith (Auteur)

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2326118,109 (3.77)8
Lillian Beckwith's settling in on the island of Bruach & having a croft of her own is the basis of these comic adventures. In one story beachcombing yields a strange find, while in another a Christmas party results in a riotous night's celebration.
Titel:The Sea for Breakfast
Auteurs:Lillian Beckwith (Auteur)
Info:House of Stratus (2008), 236 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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The Sea for Breakfast door Lillian Beckwith

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Beckwith continues with her self-deprecating, fish-out-of-water Hebridean series. Here, her character further embeds herself in her adopted Bruachite community, pointing out the absurdities (some of which she has proudly adopted herself) with loving humour. She captures perfectly the distinct lyrical cadences of Bruach speech and the sensible rough charm of Bruach routines. Daily life in Bruach is full of contradictions, isolation coupled with close-knit impromptu ceilidh, down-to-earth remedies with the superstitious, the outward brashness to outsiders that belies the deep rallying care they would offer when need be. I'm so glad I've the rest of the series to look forward to. ( )
  kitzyl | Feb 27, 2024 |
Book two in the series. A wonderfully descriptive and hilarious look at life on a Hebrides island in the last 50s. Delightful. ( )
  Karen74Leigh | Aug 30, 2022 |
A beautiful setting, wonderful quirky characters, and terrific writing. I highly recommend this one! ( )
  njcur | Feb 13, 2014 |
Better interaction in this book, more sympathy and caring for the locals, who are wonderful, 'though highly characterised.
  EllieMc | May 11, 2013 |
The second in Lillian Beckwith's Bruach memoirs, of her time in a remote village in the Scottish Hebrides. ( )
  leavesandpages | Feb 13, 2013 |
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Lillian Beckwithprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Hall , DouglasIllustratorSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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Lillian Beckwith's settling in on the island of Bruach & having a croft of her own is the basis of these comic adventures. In one story beachcombing yields a strange find, while in another a Christmas party results in a riotous night's celebration.

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Gemiddelde: (3.77)
2 3
3 12
3.5 5
4 11
4.5 3
5 9

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