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Spider-Man: The Mutant Agenda (Spider-Man (Graphic Novels))

door Steven Grant

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It's the world's first comic book/newspaper strip crossover event, as Spider-Man teams up with fan-favourite X-Man and Avenger the Beast. When the Brand Corporation announces that it has discovered the secret of mutation, the two heroes investigate - but run smack-dab into the Hobgoblin. Watch the action unfold in the pages of the comic book and the daily Spider-Man newspaper strip. Collecting: Spider-Man: The Mutant Agenda 0-3, Marvel Team-Up (1972) 90… (meer)
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I wasn't going to bother with a review of this except i read some other takes and a number of people claim this is a good example of bad 90's art... eh? no!
What i'm going to read next, [b:The Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix|737118|The Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix|Scott Lobdell||694009], promises to be terrible 90's art

this on the other hand looks like it was done in the 1970's.

It is so primative and basic looking as is the story. The fact that this is a tie in with the spiderman newspaper strip may have something to do with that, perhaps they wanted it to look similar.
I only read the original issues not the version listed here which includes the newspaper strips and oddly until i came on goodreads i didn't even know there was a tie-in. There's nothing in the original issues that i noticed advertising the cross promotion.

Anyway while there was some good stuff in issue 3 mostly with the badguys, overall a real throwaway story. Another odd thing though is that the baddy is trying to do something which is already happening as a major event in the comics of the time but there's no mention of it the badguy is trying to create a chemical weapon to kill mutants which works in a very similar manner to the Legacy Virus which is already killing mutants at this time.

In a way it is quite appropriate how disposable this tale is as the Brand Corporation and Beast's connection to it was first created in a similar throwaway story in Amazing Adventures way back when. This was when the Beast became the furry guy we know today, during the period after the X-Men had been cancelled. I imagine the art looked pretty similar to this back then too :) . ( )
  wreade1872 | Nov 28, 2021 |
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It's the world's first comic book/newspaper strip crossover event, as Spider-Man teams up with fan-favourite X-Man and Avenger the Beast. When the Brand Corporation announces that it has discovered the secret of mutation, the two heroes investigate - but run smack-dab into the Hobgoblin. Watch the action unfold in the pages of the comic book and the daily Spider-Man newspaper strip. Collecting: Spider-Man: The Mutant Agenda 0-3, Marvel Team-Up (1972) 90

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