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I'll Never Let You Go

door Marianne Richmond

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354717,929 (4.25)Geen
I'll Never Let You Go, speaks straight to a parent's heart. It's the story of Edward (a bear) and his best friend Blankie, a fuzzy blue fabric scrap. Blankie is as real as any human friend with emotions and idiosyncrasies to match: cuddly, thoughtful, kind, protective... and afraid of thunderstorms (just like Edward). But now Edward is growing up and going off to school, and Blankie is staying at home. It's up to Mama to help Edward through this transition by letting him know that the ones who mean the most to us, never really do leave us.… (meer)
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  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
Sweetly done. ( )
  melodyreads | May 8, 2014 |
One of the most sweetest, memorable and touching children's book I have read in a very long time.
I would shelve this in between The Kissing Hand and Good Night Moon...

Edward is very fond and attached to his little Blankie. He never goes anywhere or does anything without it... "I'll never let you go," he says every time they do something together. So many heartfelt moments that he will never forget.
When Edward's mom explains that he will be starting school soon and when he goes to school, Blankie must stay home, Edward is sad and does not want to leave Blankie behind.

The perfect book for the child who will be going to daycare or pre-school and must leave their precious 'blankie' home for safe-keeping! The pictures are drawn to be soft and delicate, which emphasizes the importance on how sensitive this subject is for toddlers...
Will definitely help you explain to them the why and how come.

I adore it!
And will definitely be buying this to have on my shelf ready for when my youngest reaches this milestone! ( )
  thebumblegirl | Mar 12, 2014 |
Received a copy from Netgalley
I loved this book! The story was about Edward who is attached to his blankie. I have a three year old that is also attached to her blanket. The story follows Edward and how he brings his blanket everywhere he goes. But he is about to go to big boy school so he won't be able to bring it. His mother and himself discuss why he can't bring the blanket to school with him. He just wants to know what the blanket will do while he is gone. The ending when the mother talks about even though we don't have something physically with us doesn't mean it isn't right there with us in our heart. The story was so touching because I did not feel like it was truly about the blanket once I got to the end but how love is stronger than just the physical. It is what matters in the heart.
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  mclement | Mar 5, 2014 |
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I'll Never Let You Go, speaks straight to a parent's heart. It's the story of Edward (a bear) and his best friend Blankie, a fuzzy blue fabric scrap. Blankie is as real as any human friend with emotions and idiosyncrasies to match: cuddly, thoughtful, kind, protective... and afraid of thunderstorms (just like Edward). But now Edward is growing up and going off to school, and Blankie is staying at home. It's up to Mama to help Edward through this transition by letting him know that the ones who mean the most to us, never really do leave us.

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