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The Art Deco Posters: Rare and Iconic

door William Crouse

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2011,129,493 (4.5)Geen
"Posters by their very nature are ephemeral: crookedly plastered on a roadside billboard, tacked to the back of a tabac, they lasted a few weeks until advertisers issued another imaginative argument for soap or an ocean voyage. While few contemporary observers understood the richness of their design or appreciated the ingenuity of their unsung creators, they are now highly prized. William Crouse, long-time poster aficionado, has selected over three hundred of the most sought-after examples of poster art created between the wars to include in this definitive volume. Organized thematically into subject categories (aviation, communication, fashion, etc.), The Art Deco Poster presents a jaunty cavalcade of international poster design, and includes highly rare and even unique examples by masters of the art form, including Nizzoli, Cassandre, and Beall. Each poster--digitally photographed under carefully controlled conditions--is accompanied by an expanded caption that addresses the aesthetic, sociological, economic, and/or political context of the image. Introduced by Art Deco specialist Alastair Duncan, The Art Deco Poster is an essential addition for all interested in graphic design, Art Deco, and life and culture between 1919 and 1939"--… (meer)
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For lovers of the art deco poster, this big, beautiful book is a five star showpiece. The selection of posters is wide and well chosen, including some iconic classics, but many I had not seen before. As is to be expected, there are more examples from France than from anywhere else, but the geographic range is wide -- an assortment of Italian posters was particularly intriguing. The commentary is instructive, and clearly very carefully researched. Most important of all, the reproductions are beautiful. This would be a great present for any fancier of posters, art deco, or the two in combination. Indeed, it would be a great present for anyone interested in design, modern art, or just plain great looking pictures. ( )
  annbury | Aug 17, 2015 |
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"Posters by their very nature are ephemeral: crookedly plastered on a roadside billboard, tacked to the back of a tabac, they lasted a few weeks until advertisers issued another imaginative argument for soap or an ocean voyage. While few contemporary observers understood the richness of their design or appreciated the ingenuity of their unsung creators, they are now highly prized. William Crouse, long-time poster aficionado, has selected over three hundred of the most sought-after examples of poster art created between the wars to include in this definitive volume. Organized thematically into subject categories (aviation, communication, fashion, etc.), The Art Deco Poster presents a jaunty cavalcade of international poster design, and includes highly rare and even unique examples by masters of the art form, including Nizzoli, Cassandre, and Beall. Each poster--digitally photographed under carefully controlled conditions--is accompanied by an expanded caption that addresses the aesthetic, sociological, economic, and/or political context of the image. Introduced by Art Deco specialist Alastair Duncan, The Art Deco Poster is an essential addition for all interested in graphic design, Art Deco, and life and culture between 1919 and 1939"--

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Gemiddelde: (4.5)
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