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Finding Family...and Forever?

door Teresa Southwick

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A dashing doctor hires the perfect nanny for his son, not realizing she's about to turn his entire world upside down! Don't miss the latest story in The Bachelors of Blackwater Lake by Teresa Southwick!  Kidnapped as an infant, Emma Robbins has come to Blackwater Lake to seek out her birth family. But she can't exactly just knock on their door and introduce herself! To bide her time, she fakes her identity and takes a job as a nanny for an adorable one-year old boy--and his incredibly sexy doctor daddy. Now she's really gotten more than she bargained for....  Dr. Justin Flint has sworn off women since his divorce. And while she's the perfect caretaker for his little boy, having Emma under his roof is just way too tempting for the single dad! When an explosive kiss shatters their professional resolve, their mutual passion is revealed. But will their new affection distract Emma from her goal--or make her realize she's found her once and future family?… (meer)
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Very good story about two people with some trust issues who find their way to each other. There are a couple minor discrepancies in the above synopsis, but nothing that affected my enjoyment of the story. When the woman she knew as her mother was dying, she told Emma that she had kidnapped her and raised her as her own. She then told Emma who her parents were, leaving it up to Emma to decide what to do with that knowledge. She heads to Blackwater Lake to see what she can find out about her family and if she should contact them. In the meantime she needs a job, so she signs on to be the nanny to Justin Flint's little boy. She doesn't tell him about her main reason for being in Blackwater Lake.

Justin's current nanny is leaving so he needs to find a replacement. He's had some trouble with applicants who seem to be more interested in him than his son. Since the death of his wife, with whom he'd been having problems, he has sworn off getting involved with another woman. He prefers to concentrate his attention on his son. While she is far younger and prettier than he wanted, Emma is the best candidate for the job, so he hires her. Justin is very impressed with the way she cares for Kyle. He also discovers that the attraction he felt for her when he met her isn't going away but is getting stronger.

Giving in to the explosive attraction between them only brings out the problems they face. Emma still hasn't decided what to do about her family. She's afraid that contacting them will cause them pain. She also felt guilty about not telling Justin the whole truth when he hired her. I liked seeing her come clean with him, and even better was his understanding and support. Emma also realizes that her feelings for Justin are getting stronger even though she knows that nothing can come of them. He's made it very clear that he will never marry again. Meanwhile, Justin is fighting his feelings for her. He doesn't trust himself after messing up with his first wife. I really loved seeing everything he went through at the end to be able to see her, it was the perfect ending. ( )
  scoutmomskf | Mar 29, 2014 |
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A dashing doctor hires the perfect nanny for his son, not realizing she's about to turn his entire world upside down! Don't miss the latest story in The Bachelors of Blackwater Lake by Teresa Southwick!  Kidnapped as an infant, Emma Robbins has come to Blackwater Lake to seek out her birth family. But she can't exactly just knock on their door and introduce herself! To bide her time, she fakes her identity and takes a job as a nanny for an adorable one-year old boy--and his incredibly sexy doctor daddy. Now she's really gotten more than she bargained for....  Dr. Justin Flint has sworn off women since his divorce. And while she's the perfect caretaker for his little boy, having Emma under his roof is just way too tempting for the single dad! When an explosive kiss shatters their professional resolve, their mutual passion is revealed. But will their new affection distract Emma from her goal--or make her realize she's found her once and future family?

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