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Healing Quilt: (2014)

door Wanda E. Brunstetter

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22211126,098 (4.53)Geen
Fiction. Christian Fiction. HTML:

Join retired Amish newlyweds Emma and Lamar Miller in Florida for the winter as they lead another quilting class with a new group of unlikely students: Jennifer, a pregnant new mom; Mike, a charter boat owner; Erika, a wheelchair bound teen; Kim, a waitress; Noreen, a newly-retired widow, and BJ, an artist facing illness. When old friends visit from Indiana, will romance also become a subject of class discussions?

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1-5 van 11 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
I hadn't read the first two books in this series, but I was interested in the fact that it took place in sunny Florida. The author has a group of people come together in a quilting class led by a couple of Amish snowbirds. Everyone has something they're dealing with, so Emma and her husband help them pray and work things out as they all work on a quilted wall hanging. ( )
  eliorajoy | Jul 10, 2023 |
The third book in this series and this time Emma and her husband find themselves in Florida for the Winter and starting up another quilting class. The people who come to this class once again are from all walks of life, with all kinds of heartaches and sorrows; men and woman, young and old. And in the process of putting together their quilts, they will get to know one another and for some, find real healing in their heart.

I like the way this author wrote these stories. You got to know these people personally and also got to once again meet other folks you had met in books one and two. They are easy to read and usually have a surprise or two in them. ( )
  judyg54 | Aug 20, 2019 |
As always this story was great. It will make you laugh and cry. It is fun to see these people come together and learn from each other. I look forward to many more books by Wanda E. Brunstetter. I received this book from the author for a fair and honest opinion. I regret that I didn't read it sooner. I loved it a lot. ( )
  Virginia51 | Feb 27, 2015 |
Emma takes her Amish quilting class to the Sunshine State.
  oaklutheran | Sep 6, 2014 |
Emma and Lamar's quilting class seems to attract those needing something, be it encouragement, love, or just someone to listen and understand. Their latest class is in Florida and, once again, there is a mismatched group of people. With the help of Emma, Lamar, each other, and God's grace, they find they are not the same as when they started the class.

I hope Wanda continues her Amish Quilt series. This is her best series yet and I hate to see it end. ( )
  wearylibrarian | Aug 24, 2014 |
1-5 van 11 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Emma and Lamar Miller purchased a winter home in Sarasota, Florida to get away from the harsh winters in Northern Indiana. Emma felt something missing in her life, and Lamar suggested she teach a quilting class to some of the local residents as she had done in Indiana. Her class filled rapidly with an assemblage of broken individuals. Each student carried his/her own personal and painful baggage, hoping that the quilting class would bring some diversion and healing. As in the past the Millers held each of their students up in prayer, and offered compassion and hope to each of their students in various ways.

Six new students are introduced in "The Healing Quilt," each with significant and distressing circumstances. A variety of serious life challenges affect the students and their relationships with one another. As in "The Tattered Quilt" the author brings characters from her past books into the story, creating continuity and blending the past with the present. As in the prequels to this book there is a richness of character in both Emma and Lamar that remains with the reader long after the story has ended. Mercy and Christian love are evident throughout as well as beauty in the descriptive elements surrounding the location. Realism and consequences are evidenced by the resultant events in the lives of these characters, and healing comes in a number of ways.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from Wanda E. Brunstetter through Barbour Publishing in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own, and no monetary compensation was received for this review.
toegevoegd door NanceeM | bewerkReviewer, a

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I will seek that which was lost,
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and will strengthen that which was sick, saith the Lord God.
--Ezekiel 34:16
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To my husband, Richard Sr., who shares my love for combing the beach, and to my son, Richard Jr., who enjoys being on his boat and gave me the idea for one of the characters in this book.
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Seating herself on a weathered, wooden bench, Emma Miller gazed at the waves lapping gently against the shore.
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Fiction. Christian Fiction. HTML:

Join retired Amish newlyweds Emma and Lamar Miller in Florida for the winter as they lead another quilting class with a new group of unlikely students: Jennifer, a pregnant new mom; Mike, a charter boat owner; Erika, a wheelchair bound teen; Kim, a waitress; Noreen, a newly-retired widow, and BJ, an artist facing illness. When old friends visit from Indiana, will romance also become a subject of class discussions?


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Gemiddelde: (4.53)
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4 4
4.5 1
5 10

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