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Lure of the Integers (MAA Spectrum)

door Joe Roberts

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1711,280,308 (2.5)Geen
Mathematicians and laymen alike have always been fascinated by simple numbers. This book is an introduction to a mythical book which might go under the name The Book of the Integers, that has on page n all of the interesting properties of the integer n. This introductory book stems from the collection of many years' casual accumulation of numerical facts, especially from the theory of numbers. No deep or profound mathematical background is required to understand the material, however much of it is sufficient out of the mainstream that even professional mathematicians may be unfamiliar with the results. There are many references to the literature to enable the reader to track down further information.… (meer)
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solo per amanti della teoria dei numeri

La teoria dei numeri è nata parlando di numeri naturali. Occhei, anche adesso parla di numeri naturali, ma le tecniche che si usano spaziano più o meno ovunque nella matematica. Joe Roberts in questo libro ha raccolto proprietà varie di un certo insieme di numeri, da 1 a 357686312646216567629137 (il più grande primo troncabile, nel caso ve lo chiedeste.) La fregatura è che molte di queste proprietà non sono certo elementari, sono semplicemente enunciate senza dimostrazione. e a volte la notazione usata risulta un po' oscura. Per chi è davvero interessato, però, la bibliografia dopo ciascuna di queste proprietà dovrebbe essere sufficiente per capire di cosasi parla. Certo, bisogna essere ferrati in teoria dei numeri... ( )
  .mau. | May 6, 2023 |
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Mathematicians and laymen alike have always been fascinated by simple numbers. This book is an introduction to a mythical book which might go under the name The Book of the Integers, that has on page n all of the interesting properties of the integer n. This introductory book stems from the collection of many years' casual accumulation of numerical facts, especially from the theory of numbers. No deep or profound mathematical background is required to understand the material, however much of it is sufficient out of the mainstream that even professional mathematicians may be unfamiliar with the results. There are many references to the literature to enable the reader to track down further information.

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Gemiddelde: (2.5)
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