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The Bad Christian's Manifesto: Reinventing God (and other modest proposals)

door Dave Tomlinson

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1921,175,338 (3.5)Geen
Dave Tomlinson's book How to Be a Bad Christian was written for all those who want God without the guff - revealing that being a 'bad' Christian is perfectly good enough, and that it's possible to ditch religion without losing the faith. The Bad Christian's Manifesto continues the conversation, unpacking what spiritual intelligence - from an unapologetically Christian viewpoint - might look like for all the self-confessed bad Christians of the world. Join Dave as he explores how to befriend your inner sceptic, make a virtue of pleasure and find heaven in the ordinary things of life.… (meer)
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This is a book for Christians, especially those involved in ministry, and that basically means it is not a book for me. I appreciate the author’s efforts to advocate a more open, more generous and more inclusive Christianity, but it’s not my circus and not my monkeys, and I put it aside after fifty earnest pages. ( )
  nwhyte | Nov 19, 2022 |
Much of this book I readily agree with and would jump to affirm. Yet a great deal is just a little too ‘liberal’ (horrible word) and universalistic to completely mesh with my personal theology.
But every chapter of it is challenging in a very positive way, and the author’s views are obviously very genuinely held. It is hard to fully disagree with a sincere expression of faith and belief rather than simply an academic exposition of a theoretical viewpoint.
He means it, believes it and is passionate about living it. I can disagree with the finer points of the author’s theology but ultimately it would appear that he (and his church) are very definitely living the gospel and this book is a challenge to all of us to demonstrate that we are making an attempt to do similar. ( )
  stevierbrown | Mar 22, 2016 |
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Dave Tomlinson's book How to Be a Bad Christian was written for all those who want God without the guff - revealing that being a 'bad' Christian is perfectly good enough, and that it's possible to ditch religion without losing the faith. The Bad Christian's Manifesto continues the conversation, unpacking what spiritual intelligence - from an unapologetically Christian viewpoint - might look like for all the self-confessed bad Christians of the world. Join Dave as he explores how to befriend your inner sceptic, make a virtue of pleasure and find heaven in the ordinary things of life.

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