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door Shannon Mayer

Reeksen: Rylee Adamson (6.5)

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543493,961 (4.22)Geen
From the world of the USA Today Bestselling Rylee Adamson Series, Shannon Mayer delivers a true treat for her listeners in this novella featuring Rylee and Liam. -My name is Rylee and I am a Tracker.- When children go missing, and the Humans have no leads, I'm the one they call. I am their last hope in bringing home the lost ones. I salvage what they cannot. After months of danger, running for my life, and dealing with one crisis after another, I'm finally getting that vacation I deserve. I even get to take my favorite guardian with me for some serious one on one time. Of course, when it comes to my life, even a vacation can turn ugly. And when I say ugly, I mean monsters, magic and death. Just another day in the life of a Tracker. Performed by Nora Achrati, Chris Genebach, Chris Davenport, Jeff Baker, James Konicek, Bradley Smith, Darius Johnson, Megan Poppy, Eric Messner, Ian Russell, Karen Novack, Yasmin Tuazon, Colleen Delany, Joel David Santner, Shanta Parasuraman, Amanda Forstrom, Richard Rohan, Rana Kay, Christopher Williams, Nanette Savard, Ken Jackson, Michael John Casey, Triya Leong, Lydia Kraniotis, Matthew Pauli, and Michael Glenn.… (meer)
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I picked up the first book in the series, Priceless on a whim a few years ago. It was on sale for $0.79, I liked the cover and the blurb drew me in. I hadn't really read any urban fantasy prior to it but I've always loved fantasy and the idea of a more grown up fantasy grabbed me. And it was perfect. Everything I expected and so much more. I proceeded to demolish the remaining available books and Shannon Mayer has fast become one of my favourite authors. All of the books are full of fast paced, well written plots, hysterically funny lines and lots of heart. The characters worm their way under your skin until you're cheering with them at their successes and sobbing with them at their failures. Couldn't recommend the series more highly and will certainly be rereading many many times.

Yay! Liam and Rylee vacation.

Only they could have a vacation that starts with a missing child. And proceeds to get worse.

Lol, yes Rylee, make him your bitch. Rylee and Liam make such a good team when it comes to scare tactics.

Really Liam? If any of the wolves think she looks tasty and tries something, you'll rip them apart? Lol, like Rylee's going to just sit there and accept becoming a meal.

I like the idea that Rylee and Liam are enhanced by each other's powers.

Oh Val - yep they're just here to kill them all. It's kinda what they do. Jeez and it clearly isn't what you do.


You would compel me? That is forbidden! Her words reverberated through his head, like when Blaz spoke. “You were going to eat me. I can’t think that’s any better. At least my way, we both end up alive.”

Mayer, Shannon. Guardian: Book 6.5 (A Rylee Adamson Novel) . HiJinks Ink Publishing. Kindle Edition.

Yeah Liam, she doesn't need any weapons. Right.

I'd suspected she was pregnant. I love the idea of Liam sending love and caution to the baby. Oh Catya. I hate this series sometimes. The characters burrow under your skin and it's hard not to feel everything as you read. Forget Liam trying not to cry, what about me?

Lol the coven's worried that the rogue wolf is hidden in the pack - no silly, he's the one facilitating the meeting.

The FEELS!!! Blue amber for a wedding jewelery. Swapping shards of souls. They're so adorable.
( )
  funstm | Feb 20, 2023 |
A nice romantic imterlude for our favourite couple, Rylee and Liam. At least it was supposed to be, but predictably, our lovebirds get involved in some action packed mayhem. I like the direction of the the last couple of books after the darker Book 4: Blind Salvage. It was great to have Rylee and Liam interact again after Book 5: Tracker had them pursuing separate story lines. Normally short stories leave me cold, but these between book novellas help to fill in the gap nicely. This makes for one happy reader.. ( )
  Zumbanista | Jul 16, 2017 |
Broad Smile! Loved the book. Ms. Mayer does a wonderful job a building a supernatural world! I am not looking forward to the end of Liam....hopefully fate will let him grow old with Rylee on this side of the Veil. ( )
  BookJunkie777 | Oct 16, 2016 |
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From the world of the USA Today Bestselling Rylee Adamson Series, Shannon Mayer delivers a true treat for her listeners in this novella featuring Rylee and Liam. -My name is Rylee and I am a Tracker.- When children go missing, and the Humans have no leads, I'm the one they call. I am their last hope in bringing home the lost ones. I salvage what they cannot. After months of danger, running for my life, and dealing with one crisis after another, I'm finally getting that vacation I deserve. I even get to take my favorite guardian with me for some serious one on one time. Of course, when it comes to my life, even a vacation can turn ugly. And when I say ugly, I mean monsters, magic and death. Just another day in the life of a Tracker. Performed by Nora Achrati, Chris Genebach, Chris Davenport, Jeff Baker, James Konicek, Bradley Smith, Darius Johnson, Megan Poppy, Eric Messner, Ian Russell, Karen Novack, Yasmin Tuazon, Colleen Delany, Joel David Santner, Shanta Parasuraman, Amanda Forstrom, Richard Rohan, Rana Kay, Christopher Williams, Nanette Savard, Ken Jackson, Michael John Casey, Triya Leong, Lydia Kraniotis, Matthew Pauli, and Michael Glenn.

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5 9

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