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War Kids

door H J Lawson

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2211,047,536 (4)Geen
When Jada wakes up in a hospital, the last thing she thinks is that her life has completely changed forever. But when the very real civil war forces her to flee from every open space, she must use the firearm skills her father taught her to reunite with him and protect herself.Armed with a single gun and a key to an unknown locker, Jada crosses Syria on a journey with a group of children called the Fearless Freedom Fighters. With the leader, Zak, they mount a plan to rescue their fathers while they try to cope with the merciless murders of their families. As Jada and Zak lead the group together, love blossoms, but with soldiers hot on their tail, they need to stay vigilant in the face of war.War Kids is a story about the Syrian Civil war through the eyes of a group of teenagers.Reviews "This is a taunt thought provoking book that grips the reader from the very first page to the last.""This story was heartbreaking and unique because it is told through the children's point of view. I can only recall one other story that comes close to this one and that is The Works of Anne Frank. I hope to read more of H.J. Lawson's work in the future.""Very interesting story, very powerful. I can really feel the emotion.""This book really touches my heart because there is so much truth is in this book.""The detail is so brilliantly displayed, its beautifully written. There are pretty intense chapters, its good... scrap that its excellent. Love the work ...although I am upset. I know this is a fictional story, but I just can't help but feel extremely bad for all the lost lives especially the innocent and young ones.""A REMARKABLE BOOK, DEMANDS TO BE READ"All profits from the book will be going to the save the children charity.… (meer)
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OH, MY GOD. Now I need to get my hands on Survive The Day.

I haven’t read a book quite like War Kids before. The author did an amazing job— the book was so real. The multiple point of views worked really well and gave the story extra depth. It definitely pulls at your heartstrings and makes you think about all the devastation families in war-ridden countries endure. This book takes it beyond what we just see in the news.
War Kids leaves you thinking: How do real people survive this? ( )
  Serenity_Tigerlily | Feb 18, 2015 |
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When Jada wakes up in a hospital, the last thing she thinks is that her life has completely changed forever. But when the very real civil war forces her to flee from every open space, she must use the firearm skills her father taught her to reunite with him and protect herself.Armed with a single gun and a key to an unknown locker, Jada crosses Syria on a journey with a group of children called the Fearless Freedom Fighters. With the leader, Zak, they mount a plan to rescue their fathers while they try to cope with the merciless murders of their families. As Jada and Zak lead the group together, love blossoms, but with soldiers hot on their tail, they need to stay vigilant in the face of war.War Kids is a story about the Syrian Civil war through the eyes of a group of teenagers.Reviews "This is a taunt thought provoking book that grips the reader from the very first page to the last.""This story was heartbreaking and unique because it is told through the children's point of view. I can only recall one other story that comes close to this one and that is The Works of Anne Frank. I hope to read more of H.J. Lawson's work in the future.""Very interesting story, very powerful. I can really feel the emotion.""This book really touches my heart because there is so much truth is in this book.""The detail is so brilliantly displayed, its beautifully written. There are pretty intense chapters, its good... scrap that its excellent. Love the work ...although I am upset. I know this is a fictional story, but I just can't help but feel extremely bad for all the lost lives especially the innocent and young ones.""A REMARKABLE BOOK, DEMANDS TO BE READ"All profits from the book will be going to the save the children charity.

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