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Programming Perl [4th edition, blue camel]

door Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen, brian d foy, Jon Orwant, Randal L. Schwartz

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1,726910,310 (4.07)5
Adopted as the undisputed Perl bible soon after the first edition appeared in 1991, Programming Perl is still the go-to guide for this highly practical language. In this much-anticipated update to "the Camel," three renowned Perl authors cover the language up to its current version, Perl 5.14, with a preview of features in the upcoming 5.16.… (meer)
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Indeholder "Preface", "Part 1: Overview", "Chapter 1: An Overview of Perl", "Part 2: The Gory Details", "Chapter 2: Bits and Pieces", "Chapter 3: Unary and Binary Operators", "Chapter 4: Statements and Declarations", "Chapter 5: Pattern Matching", "Chapter 6: Subroutines", "Chapter 7: Formats", "Chapter 8: References", "Chapter 9: Data Structures", "Chapter 10: Packages", "Chapter 11: Modules", "Chapter 12: Objects", "Chapter 13: Overloading", "Chapter 14: Tied Variables", "Part 3: Perl as Technology", "Chapter 15: Unicode", "Chapter 16: Interprocess Communication", "Chapter 17: Threads", "Chapter 18: Compiling", "Chapter 19: The Command-Line Interface", "Chapter 20: The Perl Debugger", "Chapter 21: Internals and Externals", "Part 4: Perl as Culture", "Chapter 22: CPAN", "Chapter 23: Security", "Chapter 24: Common Practices", "Chapter 25: Portable Perl", "Chapter 26: Plain Old Documentation", "Chapter 27: Perl Culture", "Part 5: Reference Material", "Chapter 28: Special Names", "Chapter 29: Functions", "Chapter 30: The Standard Perl Library", "Chapter 31: Pragmatic Modules", "Chapter 32: Standard Modules", "Chapter 33: Diagnostic Messages", "Glossary", "Index", "Colophon".

Glimrende introduktion til Perl programmeringssproget. Der er små jokes rundt omkring, men også nyttige småprogrammer.
Desværre var det her en paperback udgave og den går i stykker i ryggen, når der har været brugt et stykke tid. ( )
  bnielsen | Aug 16, 2010 |
Absolutely essential for the Perl programmer. I learned Perl using this book and still refer to it from time to time. ( )
  colinwu | Nov 7, 2007 |
I would say that this is THE BOOK for learning Perl. Funny and easy to read. ( )
  all4metals | Aug 5, 2007 |
A classic. I own two copies, at work and at home. Sometimes I pick a page at random, I'm sure it will make me laugh in a page or two. ( )
  amartineau | Jun 17, 2006 |
The "Camel Book", as this book is often called, is the Perl Bible. It's not only an exhaustive reference, but clearly written any *funny* to boot. The humour pervades the text, making a sometimes dry subject much more approachable.

No Perl programmer can afford to be without this book, and anybody considering writing a technical reference should refer to this book to see how it's done. ( )
1 stem felius | Oct 25, 2005 |
1-5 van 9 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Programming Perl [Third Edition] is the most authoritative book on Perl, and the authors' prose is a joy to read. While it may not be the best book for learning Perl, it's certainly worth having on your bookshelf.
toegevoegd door legallypuzzled | bewerkwebtechniques, Eugene Eric Kim (Jan 1, 2001)

» Andere auteurs toevoegen (2 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Wall, Larryprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Christiansen, Tomprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
foy, brian dprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Orwant, Jonprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Schwartz, Randal L.primaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Samela, JuhaVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Zundel, JeanVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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Je moet ingelogd zijn om Algemene Kennis te mogen bewerken.
Voor meer hulp zie de helppagina Algemene Kennis .
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Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
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Eerste woorden
Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
Perl is a language for getting your job done.
Laatste woorden
Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
This is the pink camel book. Do not combine it with the blue camel. The contents are drastically different. It covers Perl 4 and not Perl 5 (which is covered by the blue camel book). The language (and hence the book) changed significantly between the two. Also the pink camel contains a number of sections which were removed in later editions.
This is the 4th edition of the blue camel book, which covers Perl 5.14. Do not combine it with the pink camel book.

In addition, please do not combine it with different editions of the blue camel book. The various editions cover different versions of Perl, cover changing material, and have different co-authors.
This is the 2nd edition of the blue camel book, which covers Perl 5. Do not combine it with the pink camel book.
This work consists of copies that cannot be determined to be either copies of the blue camel book or the pink camel book, and should not be combined with either.
Uitgevers redacteuren
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Gangbare DDC/MDS
Canonieke LCC
Adopted as the undisputed Perl bible soon after the first edition appeared in 1991, Programming Perl is still the go-to guide for this highly practical language. In this much-anticipated update to "the Camel," three renowned Perl authors cover the language up to its current version, Perl 5.14, with a preview of features in the upcoming 5.16.

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Gemiddelde: (4.07)
1.5 1
2 5
2.5 1
3 38
3.5 4
4 61
4.5 9
5 63

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