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The Organic Artist: Make Your Own Paint, Paper, Pigments, Prints and More from Nature

door Nick Neddo

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1194237,312 (4.4)Geen
"It's time to go back to basics! If you're interested in art, but find that it's becoming an increasingly expensive hobby, The Organic Artist is just the book for you! It encourages us all to return to those days when art was made with all-natural materials, such as charcoal and birch bark. Immersing you in the natural world, The Organic Artist seeks to inspire creativity by connecting you to your organic roots. In addition to offering a wide variety of suggestions for using nature as supplies for art, this book also introduces the concepts of awareness and perception that are foundational to the creative process. Readers will refine drawing skills, as well as increase their appreciation for the visual arts and the natural landscape. Some of the projects and skills covered include the following: making paper and wild ink, working with soapstone, clay, wood, and rawhide, printmaking and stenciling, natural pigments and dyes, camouflage and body painting, and nature journaling"--… (meer)
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Hard-core prepping for artists, or just back to the land? This book is amazing. Nick Neddo has an unusual breadth of knowledge about art supplies and how to make them from foraged materials. Even the molds for his beeswax-and-earth-pigment crayons are foraged -- they're knotweed stems. But when I read to the chapter on making paint pots from foraged clay and firing them in a primitive woodpile "kiln", I was really amazed. That's something I've researched (information was very hard to find!) and successfully accomplished, and I still learned something from this book. ( )
  muumi | Feb 13, 2019 |
I received and read this book in an ebook format as a free review copy.

While not all these projects are going to be reasonably feasible for artists who do not have a good workshop space, and most of these projects do require some skill and tools, the general theme of this book is great for any artist, hobbyist or otherwise. I like the idea of making my own printmaking inks from scratch,and assuming my cat cooperates, I'm hoping to try making a fine paintbrush with his discarded whiskers sometime soon. Some of the drawing inks shown in this book are also really tempting. I was not impressed enough to rate this book a full 5 stars because the writing outside the recipes and project instructions needed more editing in my opinion. I really disliked the intro text, and almost didn't read the rest of the book after I finished it, but I am glad I stuck with it. ( )
  JBarringer | Dec 30, 2017 |
Este libro nació de una serie de amores y pasiones. El más importante de todos ellos es el amor por el mundo en el que vivimos y del que formamos parte. Otro es el amor por el arte y por el proceso creativo en general; y otro más, el amor por los conocimientos prácticos de la Edad de Piedra o tecnología primitiva. Cada capítulo contiene una serie de proyectos con instrucciones paso a paso para realizar una herramienta o material a partir de técnicas antiguas. Las ilustraciones muestran el medio artístico empleado en cada sección del capítulo y, en algunos casos, rinden homenaje a las especies de las cuales deriva el medio en cuestión. - iInstrucciones detalladas para elaborar nuestros propios materiales artísticos completamente naturales. - Ilustraciones inspiradoras del autor que muestran las herramientas acabadas; - Consejos y ejemplos para acceder a la naturaleza
  bibliest | Jun 3, 2016 |
A useful book on making and using primitive art materials. The pictures are beautiful and helpful, the techniques are manageable for anyone who is truly interested in creating and working with natural art materials.

With the current popularity of all things natural, this would be a good addition to most non-fiction collections. ( )
  RobinWebster | Jun 25, 2015 |
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"It's time to go back to basics! If you're interested in art, but find that it's becoming an increasingly expensive hobby, The Organic Artist is just the book for you! It encourages us all to return to those days when art was made with all-natural materials, such as charcoal and birch bark. Immersing you in the natural world, The Organic Artist seeks to inspire creativity by connecting you to your organic roots. In addition to offering a wide variety of suggestions for using nature as supplies for art, this book also introduces the concepts of awareness and perception that are foundational to the creative process. Readers will refine drawing skills, as well as increase their appreciation for the visual arts and the natural landscape. Some of the projects and skills covered include the following: making paper and wild ink, working with soapstone, clay, wood, and rawhide, printmaking and stenciling, natural pigments and dyes, camouflage and body painting, and nature journaling"--

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