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This Young Stud

door Sean Michael

Reeksen: Box of Nails (2)

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1331,565,672 (3.86)Geen
Jeff has hired on as the manager of the house owners Dev and Barney are trying to create for the servers at the Hammer Club, and dealing with all those twinks is like herding cats. Still, he loves his new job, which is partly due to meeting hot, interesting sub, Paul. Paul is Devvie's best friend, a bartender at the Hammer Club, and a sweet little bottom. He believes he breaks Doms, though, so when he falls for Jeff, he figures the best thing he can do is stay away. Jeff won't let him hide, and soon they're seeing each other, despite Paul's worries. Can Jeff and Paul overcome the past and make a life together?… (meer)
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The second book in this Hammer spinoff series is as much fun to read and has as many kinky scenes as the first volume. This new "Hammer Light" with its emphasis on the loving part of a new relationship, little BDSM, and just a touch of D/s that helps the sub deal better with his life and makes the Dom a more fulfilled man, is definitely a success as far as I'm concerned. All the shenanigans of the subs living in one place, the drama they manage to produce, and the sheer chaos around them is a wonderful setting for new love to blossom.

Paul (Devon's best friend from book one) is a cute guy, wants to help, but has just about the lowest self-esteem of anyone I've ever read about. He actually believes that he makes people crazy, a "truth" his a**hat of a previous "Dom" has managed to drill into his head. It destroys Paul's hope for love, he doesn’t even dare call Jeff "Sir", and it's gotten to the point where he tries to hide so he doesn’t ruin other people's lives.

Luckily, Jeff, the new house manager for the place where Hammer subs and waiters can find a safe home, takes one look at Paul and begins to fall for him. He certainly isn’t about to believe that Paul will "damage" him. As the two men get to know each other and get closer, he slowly manages to get the truth out of Paul about what happened, and sets out to make it all better.

If you like reading about a man who thought he'd never find love, but wants it desperately, if you enjoy lots and lots of loving and kinky bedroom activity, and if the self-conscious, shy sub getting rescued by a kind and loving Dom is your thing, you will probably like this novella.

NOTE: This book was provided by Torquere Press for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews. ( )
  SerenaYates | Oct 19, 2017 |
The second book in this Hammer spinoff series is as much fun to read and has as many kinky scenes as the first volume. This new "Hammer Light" with its emphasis on the loving part of a new relationship, little BDSM, and just a touch of D/s that helps the sub deal better with his life and makes the Dom a more fulfilled man, is definitely a success as far as I'm concerned. All the shenanigans of the subs living in one place, the drama they manage to produce, and the sheer chaos around them is a wonderful setting for new love to blossom.

Paul (Devon's best friend from book one) is a cute guy, wants to help, but has just about the lowest self-esteem of anyone I've ever read about. He actually believes that he makes people crazy, a "truth" his a**hat of a previous "Dom" has managed to drill into his head. It destroys Paul's hope for love, he doesn’t even dare call Jeff "Sir", and it's gotten to the point where he tries to hide so he doesn’t ruin other people's lives.

Luckily, Jeff, the new house manager for the place where Hammer subs and waiters can find a safe home, takes one look at Paul and begins to fall for him. He certainly isn’t about to believe that Paul will "damage" him. As the two men get to know each other and get closer, he slowly manages to get the truth out of Paul about what happened, and sets out to make it all better.

If you like reading about a man who thought he'd never find love, but wants it desperately, if you enjoy lots and lots of loving and kinky bedroom activity, and if the self-conscious, shy sub getting rescued by a kind and loving Dom is your thing, you will probably like this novella.

NOTE: This book was provided by the author for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews. ( )
  SerenaYates | Oct 14, 2017 |
The second book derived from the original Hammer series, these stories are significantly fluffier than their predecessor. I liked this one, not as much as the first book but it was entertaining.

The characters from main to supporting are well written. Even though I liked Jeff and Paul, I was engrossed with little Mike’s story. It stole my attention away from the main event. I hope the next book is about him.

If you like extra sweet, light BDSM stories then you will enjoy the read. I look forward to the next in the series as I like all the tomfoolery with all the subs in the house. That in itself makes it worth a read.

TRS for AReCafe ( )
  AReCafe | May 23, 2014 |
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Jeff has hired on as the manager of the house owners Dev and Barney are trying to create for the servers at the Hammer Club, and dealing with all those twinks is like herding cats. Still, he loves his new job, which is partly due to meeting hot, interesting sub, Paul. Paul is Devvie's best friend, a bartender at the Hammer Club, and a sweet little bottom. He believes he breaks Doms, though, so when he falls for Jeff, he figures the best thing he can do is stay away. Jeff won't let him hide, and soon they're seeing each other, despite Paul's worries. Can Jeff and Paul overcome the past and make a life together?

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