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Copycat (Read On)

door Catherine MacPhail

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I blame everything that happened on my own good nature. I took her under my wing. She was plain and frumpy and I said to my friend Indira, "Let's make Mimi our next project." Big mistake. Chantelle Morgan is the most popular girl in school. Well, at least she was until Mimi came along. When Chantelle and her best friend Indira take clumsy, clueless new girl Mimi under their wing, Mimi takes all of their advice. She wears her uniform like Chantelle's; she has her hair cut like Chantelle's; she even starts to talk like Chantelle. And at first Mimi seems so pleased, so grateful. Gradually, though, Chantelle begins to suspect she has created a monster... Suitable for reading age 10 years. Help Key Stage 3 students move from Level 4c to Level 4a in reading. Support comprehension with the engaging, age-appropriate illustrations. Encourage shared and guided reading using the ready-made tasks and discussion points on the activity pages at the back of the book. Suitable for Key Stage 3 students with a reading age of 10 years and above.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doornicsreads, fhamzi, StEdwardsCollege
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A short book purchased for the EAL/Dyslexic readers, this surprised me by being a very good read.Told from Chantelle ( a "cool" girl's point of view it is about the perils of both conforming and being an individual at high school. Chantelle takes frumpy new girl under her wing to make her in her image but after she does this, Mimi does not follow Chantelle's plan and instead starts taking over from her spot as the tough,cool girl. At 76p. with illustrations that are not too primary, it will appeal to readers who want something short to read. ( )
  nicsreads | May 22, 2020 |
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I blame everything that happened on my own good nature. I took her under my wing. She was plain and frumpy and I said to my friend Indira, "Let's make Mimi our next project." Big mistake. Chantelle Morgan is the most popular girl in school. Well, at least she was until Mimi came along. When Chantelle and her best friend Indira take clumsy, clueless new girl Mimi under their wing, Mimi takes all of their advice. She wears her uniform like Chantelle's; she has her hair cut like Chantelle's; she even starts to talk like Chantelle. And at first Mimi seems so pleased, so grateful. Gradually, though, Chantelle begins to suspect she has created a monster... Suitable for reading age 10 years. Help Key Stage 3 students move from Level 4c to Level 4a in reading. Support comprehension with the engaging, age-appropriate illustrations. Encourage shared and guided reading using the ready-made tasks and discussion points on the activity pages at the back of the book. Suitable for Key Stage 3 students with a reading age of 10 years and above.

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