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Point Danger (Read On)

door Catherine MacPhail

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Motivate your struggling students to read for pleasure with exciting fiction and non-fiction at exactly the right level. Most suitable for students aged 11-14. Point Danger loomed above me. I tried not to think of all the stories: the ghostly sailors, the serial killer, the headless bodies. They didn't seem so funny now. I opened the door and went inside. It was as cold as the grave. The wind from the sea roared through the broken window. I could hear the tide rushing in' Mark is always in trouble. Now on a last warning, he's determined not to do anything wrong on the school trip (although, in his opinion, he is never the one at fault). When two bullies dare another boy to go inside a crumbling lighthouse, Mark can't stop himself from following. But can he keep them both out of danger, and himself out of trouble, when he gets inside? This is a Level 2 book (3000 words, 48 pages). Higher levels are available, please contact your Nelson sales representative.… (meer)
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Part of the Collins Read On series. Chance Macduff is always in the wrong place at the wrong time. He is on his last chance with his teacher. On a school camp to an island called Point danger, Chance notices a kid called Gary being bullied in his class. Then at night he sees Gary sneaking out to the derelict lighthouse. Worried for his safety, he follows Gary but with all his bad luck, is this Chance's LAST chance? ( )
  nicsreads | May 25, 2020 |
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Motivate your struggling students to read for pleasure with exciting fiction and non-fiction at exactly the right level. Most suitable for students aged 11-14. Point Danger loomed above me. I tried not to think of all the stories: the ghostly sailors, the serial killer, the headless bodies. They didn't seem so funny now. I opened the door and went inside. It was as cold as the grave. The wind from the sea roared through the broken window. I could hear the tide rushing in' Mark is always in trouble. Now on a last warning, he's determined not to do anything wrong on the school trip (although, in his opinion, he is never the one at fault). When two bullies dare another boy to go inside a crumbling lighthouse, Mark can't stop himself from following. But can he keep them both out of danger, and himself out of trouble, when he gets inside? This is a Level 2 book (3000 words, 48 pages). Higher levels are available, please contact your Nelson sales representative.

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