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Beacon (Ripped Ties Book 1)

door Angela Brown

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Tsunamis reduced the USA into a shell of itself, called The Fold. Surviving humans and vampires joined forces to form The Colony, where registered citizens do as they're told. They donate blood quarterly and dream of being chosen as Attendees for the Jubilee celebrations, that is, everyone except Macie Breen. With high school graduation near, she's anxious to ditch the rules in hopes of starting a new life with Thane, an unregistered and also her best friend. Her hopes fizzle when Macie is selected as an Attendee, forever registered. Any future with Thane...impossible. Being chosen comes with another unexpected price. Truths about The Colony blaze into ashes and lies when she discovers the vampires haven't kept their part of the bargain. Worst still, Macie's life unravels as her stint in the city of Bliss forces her to face daunting truths about who, and what, she really is.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doornaturalbri, EKAnderson
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My Thoughts:

A dystopian world with vampires and treachery…what wouldn’t I love about this book?!

I loved that the start jumped straight into the story, with us finding out that the parents of our main character were called away, in the same way she just has been, but they never came back. She isn’t willing to go, and soon she’ll find out more about both herself and the broken promises of the vampires, but is she ready?

The dystopian wasteland the author created was excellent. She really brought to life – or death – the world around them, so that I felt as though I was standing in the wasted shell of the states. I could see and completely understand why there had to be a pact made with the vampires. It truly was the only hope for survival, in a world that is completely dead, or so they thought.

The characters were brilliant, as they were filled with depth, character and passion. Our main character was excellent. She was smart, intuitive, strong and able to see through the veil. Angela wrote her with layers of both emotion and intellect, as she seemed to always be in the right head and every time we turned around she had seen through lies, worked her way through something or found the truth. I like that it also involved her finding herself, and getting to know who she really is.

From the beginning, I found this book to be engaging and completely consuming. I struggled to put it down and often found myself staying up way to late to read just one more chapter. I highly recommend reading this book if you are a fan of fantasy, paranormal or dystopian reads, as I can imagine you’ll like it just as much as I did! ( )
  naturalbri | Mar 26, 2015 |
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Tsunamis reduced the USA into a shell of itself, called The Fold. Surviving humans and vampires joined forces to form The Colony, where registered citizens do as they're told. They donate blood quarterly and dream of being chosen as Attendees for the Jubilee celebrations, that is, everyone except Macie Breen. With high school graduation near, she's anxious to ditch the rules in hopes of starting a new life with Thane, an unregistered and also her best friend. Her hopes fizzle when Macie is selected as an Attendee, forever registered. Any future with Thane...impossible. Being chosen comes with another unexpected price. Truths about The Colony blaze into ashes and lies when she discovers the vampires haven't kept their part of the bargain. Worst still, Macie's life unravels as her stint in the city of Bliss forces her to face daunting truths about who, and what, she really is.

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