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A Guide to Modern Freemasonry

door Robert E. Burtt

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Ever since the Fraternity made its modern public appearance in 1717, printing presses have produced a torrent of writings dealing with every imaginable aspect of this group. The current state of affairs illustrates my excuse, if you will, for writing this short work. There is too much information about Freemasonry in print. All of this overload just makes a confusing and complex subject even more perplexing for the interested reader. What is needed is a short, easily understood overview of the fascinating world of the Freemasons. It is my belief that many casual laypersons who wish to learn a little about Freemasonry want just that: to learn a little about the Craft. They don't want to embark upon an extensive investigation involving hundreds of pages. They simply want a quick overview of the Fraternity and perhaps get the answers to a few basic questions. After satisfying their curiosity, they wish to move on. It is with this audience in mind that I have decided to pen this little work. The title is meant to be literal. This is a simple, short introduction to a very complex phenomenon. The book closes with a meditation on the ultimate purpose of Freemasonry and its value, both to the individual, and to society as a whole. Other books and areas of research are recommended for the casual reader who might want to explore "The Brotherhood" further.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorrkliaman, BoyntonLodgeNo236, nvettese, LeslieZ., minfo
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A truly wonderful book for the new Mason - or for the Brother who's been away from lodge for a while. As a guide, this book will give you a lot of the answers you're looking for in a very readable way. Well written, it truly fills a void that most of us didn't even realize existed. When you read it, you'll see....

Disclaimer: the book names me in the dedication but I had no idea it was being written and only accidentally found it on Amazon - so it's not as if I helped in any way at all. It's a great book to get - and even an experienced Mason will enjoy the 'brush-up' on things. ( )
  minfo | Feb 15, 2015 |
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Ever since the Fraternity made its modern public appearance in 1717, printing presses have produced a torrent of writings dealing with every imaginable aspect of this group. The current state of affairs illustrates my excuse, if you will, for writing this short work. There is too much information about Freemasonry in print. All of this overload just makes a confusing and complex subject even more perplexing for the interested reader. What is needed is a short, easily understood overview of the fascinating world of the Freemasons. It is my belief that many casual laypersons who wish to learn a little about Freemasonry want just that: to learn a little about the Craft. They don't want to embark upon an extensive investigation involving hundreds of pages. They simply want a quick overview of the Fraternity and perhaps get the answers to a few basic questions. After satisfying their curiosity, they wish to move on. It is with this audience in mind that I have decided to pen this little work. The title is meant to be literal. This is a simple, short introduction to a very complex phenomenon. The book closes with a meditation on the ultimate purpose of Freemasonry and its value, both to the individual, and to society as a whole. Other books and areas of research are recommended for the casual reader who might want to explore "The Brotherhood" further.

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