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Healing with Raw Foods: Your Guide to Unlocking Vibrant Health Through Living Cuisine

door Jenny Ross

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423,516,283 (4)Geen
Did you know that blueberries are good for the heart and the brain? Were you aware that omega-3s improve concentration? Did you have any idea that the nopal cactus helps balance blood sugar and manage food allergies? Chef Jenny Ross has teamed up with some of the world's leading wellness authorities - including Dr. Daniel Amen, Dr. Michael Shannon, and Dr. Gabriel Cousens, among other specialists - to give you an in-depth look at the science and nutrition behind how raw foods can lead to vibrant health. Your eating plan can be a delectably fun and functional part of the vital healing process with this collection of easy recipes, designed around expert advice. In areas ranging from heart health to cancer, Jenny shows you how to create enticing raw-food meals and sweet and savory snacks for a potent source of nourishment - and preventive medicine. Whether you want to boost healthy brain function, support childhood development, or help manage diabetes, this user-friendly guide shows you how you can attain your best health through your daily food choices. Living, plant-strong meals can provide a basis of wellness for you and your family. Enjoy delicious recipes such as berry-rich breakfast bars, cinnamony Nut Butter Bites, age-defying Greenie Salads, and Cacao Hazelnut Fudge . . . and eat your way to vitality of mind, body and spirit!… (meer)
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What an interesting read this was. Full of great ideas for healthy living using raw foods. Its one that is going to stay on my kindle for wonderful ideas ( )
  TheReadingShed001 | Mar 1, 2023 |
What an interesting read this was. Full of great ideas for healthy living using raw foods. Its one that is going to stay on my kindle for wonderful ideas ( )
  TheReadingShed01 | Feb 25, 2023 |
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Did you know that blueberries are good for the heart and the brain? Were you aware that omega-3s improve concentration? Did you have any idea that the nopal cactus helps balance blood sugar and manage food allergies? Chef Jenny Ross has teamed up with some of the world's leading wellness authorities - including Dr. Daniel Amen, Dr. Michael Shannon, and Dr. Gabriel Cousens, among other specialists - to give you an in-depth look at the science and nutrition behind how raw foods can lead to vibrant health. Your eating plan can be a delectably fun and functional part of the vital healing process with this collection of easy recipes, designed around expert advice. In areas ranging from heart health to cancer, Jenny shows you how to create enticing raw-food meals and sweet and savory snacks for a potent source of nourishment - and preventive medicine. Whether you want to boost healthy brain function, support childhood development, or help manage diabetes, this user-friendly guide shows you how you can attain your best health through your daily food choices. Living, plant-strong meals can provide a basis of wellness for you and your family. Enjoy delicious recipes such as berry-rich breakfast bars, cinnamony Nut Butter Bites, age-defying Greenie Salads, and Cacao Hazelnut Fudge . . . and eat your way to vitality of mind, body and spirit!

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