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Palace Dog

door R. E. Nelson

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In April 1975, as the government in Saigon is falling, Michael Andrews prepares to make his way back to Vietnam to find the love he was forced to leave. But Michael's journey begins four years earlier. He joins the Air Force to keep out of the Army and out of Vietnam, but his first assignment is teaching English in Saigon to members of the Vietnamese military in an Army program called Palace Dog. As an artist, and a man, before his time in Vietnam, Michael found life lonely and unsatisfying. In the midst of war, Michael searches for direction and meaning. He ultimately finds love and hope with Thao, a young Vietnamese art student, only to have their already uncertain future wrenched from them when he is pulled out of the country. For Michael, his return in 1975 is inevitable and without question, though the outcome he hopes for is anything but assured.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorstevenmg, SerenaYates, gsc55
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This is not only a fascinating look into Vietnamese culture as seen by an American soldier who ends up teaching English in Vietnam, but also a great love story. The pace is slow, which allowed me to soak up all the details of the setting and people, and the emotions between Michael and Thao are deep. Considering the time and place of their romance, a lot of things are said between the lines (they have to be), and that is exactly the atmosphere the author managed to capture. While both men are passionate about each other, you won’t find them screaming it from the rooftops – what you will find is a slow-burning romance that deepens into a love that will not be denied.

Michael’s journey begins in 1971, when he is sent to Vietnam – teaching English to members of the Vietnamese military. Not what he wanted or expected to do, but what choice does he have? As soon as he arrives he notices that things are very different in Saigon from what he is used to. His gradual, and very quiet immersion into the Vietnamese culture and his growing understanding of some of the cultural and emotional undercurrents were fascinating and so vivid, I felt as if I stood right next to him. He rediscovers his love of art and that in turn helps him grow closer to Thao.

From the quiet moments between Michael and Thao as they get to know each other before they begin to carefully open up, to the moments with Thao’s family, all the way through the intensity of Michael’s return trip, this book held me spellbound. There is a lot of detail, needed to bring the historical setting alive. At the same time, the cultural aspects are very well done, mostly to be found between the lines. I loved how the author was able to draw sketches of what was going on in my mind. R.E. Nelson showed me the characters, told me what they did and said, and left it up to me to find the meaning behind their actions.

If you like books that will make you think, if different cultures and intercultural relationships are what interest you, and if you’re looking for all of that plus a deeply emotional love story, then you will probably enjoy this novel. ( )
  SerenaYates | Oct 14, 2017 |
toegevoegd door gsc55 | bewerkmultitasking momma, a (Jun 8, 2015)
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In April 1975, as the government in Saigon is falling, Michael Andrews prepares to make his way back to Vietnam to find the love he was forced to leave. But Michael's journey begins four years earlier. He joins the Air Force to keep out of the Army and out of Vietnam, but his first assignment is teaching English in Saigon to members of the Vietnamese military in an Army program called Palace Dog. As an artist, and a man, before his time in Vietnam, Michael found life lonely and unsatisfying. In the midst of war, Michael searches for direction and meaning. He ultimately finds love and hope with Thao, a young Vietnamese art student, only to have their already uncertain future wrenched from them when he is pulled out of the country. For Michael, his return in 1975 is inevitable and without question, though the outcome he hopes for is anything but assured.

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