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Either Side of the Strand

door M. C. A. Hogarth

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1511,407,728 (4.4)3
When a routine mapping expedition uncovers what looks like ruins on the planet Theth-129, the crew of the Stardancer is thrilled to have something more exciting to do than catalogue worlds only a terraformer could love. Their trip to the world's surface confirms their wildest hopes: their ruins really were made by natives and abandoned long ago, a find of incredible significance. But there's more to this world than an obelisk, a set of painted caves, and a mysterious shoreline. When the sea claims one of the 'Dancer's senior officers, their investigation reveals that the lost civilization might not be quite so lost after all. Alysha Forrest and the crew of the Stardancer have no idea that their way of life is on trial. But before it's over, they'll be asked to prove themselves, and the fate of an entire world is resting on the outcome.... Alysha Forrest Reading Order: (Prequel) Alysha's Fall 1. Second 2. Who is Willing 3. Sword of the Alliance 4. Either Side of the Strand… (meer)
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Another rich and complex Hogarth. Alysha, as captain of the Stardancer, and her crew find a new world with traces of aliens - and then encounter said aliens. It feels a bit like classic Star Trek - though the captain doesn't lead the first landing team, at least! A lot of rich characterization - Taylitha, in particular, finds out quite a bit about herself when she's left in charge. Alysha doesn't, though some of her secrets are exposed - there's a couple scenes set in her past that she'd really rather not have had anyone, let alone her crewmembers, know about. She acknowledges some of her drives, like protecting people, but I don't think she really finds anything new. Good adventure on the surface, with a lot of deeper stuff enriching it; definitely worth reading (though better as part of the series, there's a lot of back-reference to previous stories). ( )
  jjmcgaffey | Jan 16, 2020 |
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When a routine mapping expedition uncovers what looks like ruins on the planet Theth-129, the crew of the Stardancer is thrilled to have something more exciting to do than catalogue worlds only a terraformer could love. Their trip to the world's surface confirms their wildest hopes: their ruins really were made by natives and abandoned long ago, a find of incredible significance. But there's more to this world than an obelisk, a set of painted caves, and a mysterious shoreline. When the sea claims one of the 'Dancer's senior officers, their investigation reveals that the lost civilization might not be quite so lost after all. Alysha Forrest and the crew of the Stardancer have no idea that their way of life is on trial. But before it's over, they'll be asked to prove themselves, and the fate of an entire world is resting on the outcome.... Alysha Forrest Reading Order: (Prequel) Alysha's Fall 1. Second 2. Who is Willing 3. Sword of the Alliance 4. Either Side of the Strand

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