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The Way I Used to Be door Amber Smith
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The Way I Used to Be (editie 2017)

door Amber Smith (Auteur)

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1,3182715,080 (4.03)1
"After fourteen-year-old Eden is raped by her brother's best friend, she knows she'll never be the way she used to be"--
Titel:The Way I Used to Be
Auteurs:Amber Smith (Auteur)
Info:Margaret K. McElderry Books (2017), Edition: Reprint, 400 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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The Way I Used to Be door Amber Smith

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1-5 van 27 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Definitely one of the better YA books I've read this year. I liked the fact that it followed the main character through four years of high school and the characters were fully developed. ( )
  olegalCA | Aug 25, 2024 |
From the opening paragraphs, you quickly become aware that something is terribly wrong. Then the realization. When what you could have been is suddenly ripped away from you and you’re filled with self loathing and anger, it changes who you were meant to be. This is a story for all the women who’ve put up with unwanted advances or touches, who’ve been intimidated, held down, or violated and have lived to continue on. It is a voice for those who don’t have one yet, for those who live their nightmare in silence, because there is hope in the telling.
Within this destruction though, is also the story of one girl’s fight for survival, her spiral downward and the eventual rock bottom that finally gets her the help she needs. Even as I was begging for her to “SAY SOMETHING! TELL SOMEONE!!”, the story unfolded as it should, and I was happy to have a sequel to continue with. Well done this, through the tears and laughter from the characters, and myself, a true survival and coming into oneself novel. ( )
  KimMcReads | Nov 12, 2023 |
So much language. ( )
  fancifulgirl | Sep 29, 2023 |
Such a heartbreaking book. I enjoyed how it makes you feel as if you are Eden and seeing how she reacted to what happened to her. Please to anyone who wants to read this book please check the trigger warnings because it is too much. It pulls at your emotions and it made me just want to give Eden a hug. She didn't deserve what happened to her. ( )
  florrrrr12 | Aug 31, 2023 |
THIS book!! What have I read??? Hands down, best book I've read so far this year!!!

This is one of the special ones. I sit down to read a book and I expect/hope to like it. But every now and again I read a book that is totally 100% amazing, beautiful, and perfect, while also getting me to connect to it like I'm reading a letter from my best friend or even myself. THIS is that book. And I almost feel like I don't have words to tell you how much I loved it.

I think my very favorite part of this book was that Edy was going through this BIG, HUGE thing that happened to her, and I was able to relate to her in an intense way. I didn't go through anything like she did, but I do know what it's like to have problems letting my feelings out. Some aspects of Edy reminded me of myself and other people I knew as a teen. It's not something I expected to happen being that she's reacting to some major trauma, but I felt so many feeling and relived so many moments as I read about Edy's journey.

Edy guarded her feelings so closely. She didn't want anymore hurt. It was heartbreaking to read about the walls she had up around her emotions. I wanted her to let people in, but I also know how hard it is to do. I don't think there is any certain "way" someone reacts to trauma. I think people just do the best they can. The best Eden could do was especially hard to read about at times... like a train wreck you can see coming from miles back, but can do nothing to stop it. It was worth all the heart-wrenching emotions though because stories like Eden's are so SO important.

I can't wait to read more Amber Smith books. I mean, this is her first one you guys!?!! I can't imagine how she will follow this up, but I'm anxious to see. I loved every minute of this heartbreaking, harsh, fantastic, unputdownable book.

Cool Factor: The cover picture is from something that happens in the book. I love when that happens!

OVERALL:[b:Speak|439288|Speak|Laurie Halse Anderson||118521] by Laurie Halse Anderson for a new generation. It's the best book I've read so far this year and I think it's a MUST-READ for YA (or any genre really). The subject matter is hard to read about, but I think so important.

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( )
  Michelle_PPDB | Mar 18, 2023 |
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"After fourteen-year-old Eden is raped by her brother's best friend, she knows she'll never be the way she used to be"--

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Gemiddelde: (4.03)
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3 15
3.5 4
4 46
4.5 3
5 47

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