Nutmeg Book Award
Uitgereikt door Connecticut Library Association
Andere Namen: Connecticut's Nutmeg Book Award (Engels)
767 Werken / 770 Items 1,130,570 boeken 52,862 Besprekingen 4.1
The Nutmeg Book Award encourages children in grades 2-12 to read quality literature and to choose their favorite from a list of ten nominated titles. We have lists for four divisions: Elementary toon meer (grades 2-4), Intermediate (grades 4-6), Teen (grades 7-8) and High School (grades 9-12). Jointly sponsored by the Connecticut Library Association (CLA) and the Connecticut Association of School Librarians (CASL),the Nutmeg Committee is comprised of children's librarians and school library media specialists who are members of our sponsoring organizations. toon minder
Winner 68
Nominee 769
The Nutmeg Book Award encourages children in grades 2-12 to read quality literature and to choose their favorite from a list of ten nominated titles. We have lists for four divisions: Elementary (grades 2-4), Intermediate (grades 4-6), Teen (grades 7-8) and High School (grades 9-12). Jointly sponsored by the Connecticut Library Association (CLA) and the Connecticut Association of School Librarians (CASL),the Nutmeg Committee is comprised of children's librarians and school library media specialists who are members of our sponsoring organizations. (English, Door lid geschreven)Connecticut's childrens choice award. (English, Door lid geschreven)
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