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Rosalie Lightning: A Graphic Memoir (2016)

door Tom Hart

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22111126,723 (3.95)9
"ROSALIE LIGHTNING is Eisner-nominated cartoonist Tom Hart's beautiful and touching graphic memoir about the untimely death of his young daughter, Rosalie. His heart-breaking and emotional illustrations strike readers to the core, and take them along his family's journey through loss. Hart uses the graphic form to articulate his and his wife's on-going search for meaning in the aftermath of Rosalie's death, exploring themes of grief, hopelessness, rebirth, and eventually finding hope again. Hart creatively portrays the solace he discovers in nature, philosophy, great works of literature, and art across all mediums in this expressively honest and loving tribute to his baby girl. Rosalie Lighting is a graphic masterpiece chronicling a father's undying love"--… (meer)
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1-5 van 11 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Another writer I like, Glennon Doyle Melton, coined a term that exactly fits this book: "brutiful." It is brutal, and it is beautiful. Thus: brutiful. If you can stand it, you should read it. That's all. ( )
  CaitlinMcC | Jul 11, 2021 |
graphic memoir (dealing with the sudden death of very young daughter). An utterly heartbreaking tribute. ( )
  reader1009 | Jul 3, 2021 |
3.5 Still getting used to the graphic novel format and here, unlike others wish I could've read more of a memoir. This personal account shares the author and his wife, Leela's descent into grief and slow healing after the sudden death of their toddler (almost 3) Rosalie. The art is very expressive and Hart is frank about the couple's pain and their difficulty dealing with the loss. "What do you do when your child dies? You fall into a hole." There were other extreme stressors in their life at the time too -- trying to sell a NY apartment and a book that Leela was working on, relocating to Gainesville, FL and crashing with friends as they waited to find housing until the sale was final....This is a beautiful testimony to the time they did have with Rosalie and the way art and music and spirituality pulled them through a year from hell. Hart is an excellent artist and very astute about influences and ideas that make their way into his drawings. "An image is what you imbue it with" he states (214) and this graphic memoir is imbued with parental love and longing. ( )
  CarrieWuj | Oct 24, 2020 |
As a mom of a two-something year old... I am grateful to this book in that it makes me hug my baby more closely and be reminded even more of just how precious she is to me, but how life happens and continues for all of us in this world. ( )
  AnnieSeiler | Dec 22, 2019 |
Devastating graphic memoir wherein a father describes losing his less than 2 year old daughter.

It's not that I'm being drawn to other people's grief, but I am conscious of trying to understand loss and finding meaning in life thereafter. ( )
  asxz | Mar 13, 2019 |
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"ROSALIE LIGHTNING is Eisner-nominated cartoonist Tom Hart's beautiful and touching graphic memoir about the untimely death of his young daughter, Rosalie. His heart-breaking and emotional illustrations strike readers to the core, and take them along his family's journey through loss. Hart uses the graphic form to articulate his and his wife's on-going search for meaning in the aftermath of Rosalie's death, exploring themes of grief, hopelessness, rebirth, and eventually finding hope again. Hart creatively portrays the solace he discovers in nature, philosophy, great works of literature, and art across all mediums in this expressively honest and loving tribute to his baby girl. Rosalie Lighting is a graphic masterpiece chronicling a father's undying love"--

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Gemiddelde: (3.95)
2 1
3 15
3.5 1
4 21
5 15

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