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The Secret Subway door Shana Corey
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The Secret Subway (origineel 2016; editie 2016)

door Shana Corey (Auteur)

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1379206,408 (4.1)1
"In 1870, Alfred Ely Beach invents New York's first underground train"--
Titel:The Secret Subway
Auteurs:Shana Corey (Auteur)
Info:Schwartz & Wade (2016), Edition: Illustrated, 40 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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The Secret Subway door Shana Corey (2016)

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1-5 van 9 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
What a great book, and the illustrations are incredible. The story telling is top notch, and the story itself is worth knowing. ( )
  Annrosenzweig | Oct 15, 2021 |
Photographs of handmade three-dimensional dioramas illustrate the remarkable story of inventor Alfred Ely Beach who secretly built the first underground train in New York City during the late 1860s. Author’s Note, Bibliography, Web Resources.
  NCSS | Jul 23, 2021 |
The story was spectacular, but the thing that really sets this book apart from the others is the art. WOW! I can't tell if they are sculptures that were photographed or illustrations. Either way, the art is incredible!

( )
  mollypitchermary | Oct 11, 2017 |
Beautiful, intriguing artwork compliments this non-fiction picture book about the first subway in New York City... the train that went nowhere. The story and artwork kept my boy and me captivated from the cover through the end notes. Interesting and fact-filled! ( )
  lissabeth21 | Oct 3, 2017 |
How could I not want to read The Secret Subway by Shana Corey while I'm living in New York City? Truthfully, it wasn't the setting of the story that drew me in. It was the front cover illustration by Red Nose Studio aka Chris Sickels that really caught my eye. His artwork reminds me of old school claymation. His creations are sculpted using materials found around his home and he makes not only books but stop motion animation with them. The Secret Subway is a fictionalized account of the creation of the New York Subway system. The imaginative inventiveness of Eli Beach is factual as is his idea of a subterranean transit system fueled by a pneumatic system. (Picture a giant fan pushing a train car and then reversing its flow to suck the car back the way it had come!) It's the minute details which have been slightly fudged by Corey to liven up the tale (which honestly doesn't really need much embellishment). The back of the book contains the facts of the event which I urge you to read as they are fascinating. It's so amazing seeing what the human imagination can create! This was a visually impressive book but if I'm honest it didn't really WOW me. I'd give it a solid 6/10 but if you're interested in the art (you will be) I urge you to check it out for yourself. ( )
  AliceaP | Jan 13, 2017 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Shana Coreyprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Studio, Red NoseIllustratorSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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For Jack, Nate, and Adelaide. And in memory of Caleb Mazal Hollander Sande, who loved the subway. --S.C.
To my family, who light the way as I tunnel and toil with my work. --R.N.S.
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Welcome to New York City -- the greatest city on earth!
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"In 1870, Alfred Ely Beach invents New York's first underground train"--

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Gemiddelde: (4.1)
3 6
3.5 1
4 7
4.5 2
5 8

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