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Clan Novel: Tzimisce (Vampire: The…
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Clan Novel: Tzimisce (Vampire: The Masquerade) (editie 1999)

door Eric Griffin (Auteur)

Reeksen: Clan Novel Series (2), Vampire the Masquerade (Novel - Clan Novel Series), World of Darkness (VtM)

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1941145,222 (3.07)1
"The ""Dark"" in the World of Darkness "RM" Rhymes with ""The Meat Sea"". It began with Clan Novel: Toreador "TM"; a 13-novel series concerning the Kindred. This series comprises the biggest event in the history of the World of Darkness -- and this is only the second book! This epic series of over one million words will reveal the secrets of the vampires' hidden world, from the smallest detail to the grandest marvel. The Nosferatu's apparent scheme to put the Eye of Hazimel into the hands of the Setite, Vegel, will decide the fates of Kindred legions and determine the future of the Camarilla and Sabbat -- the sects engaged in a massive war along the entire East Coast. And that's pretty much what the Sabbat thinks of humanity. Each novel in this series features a member of one of the 13 vampire clans. Clan Novel: Tzimisce introduces the Sabbat side of the conflict through Sascha Vykos, a depraved and incredibly powerful night-predator. A war along the American East Coast erupts as the Sabbat launches relentless attacks against Camarilla-held cities".… (meer)
Titel:Clan Novel: Tzimisce (Vampire: The Masquerade)
Auteurs:Eric Griffin (Auteur)
Info:White Wolf Publishing (1999), 273 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Clan Novel: Tzimisce door Eric Griffin

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A fascinating look at the destruction of the Atlanta Camarilla presence from the point of view of the Sabbat, a sect within the World of Darkness that's always fascinated me. The writing flows well and manages to captivate. Characters introduced in this installment of the series are enigmatic and go beyond the stereotypes of Sabbat vampires. All in all a very worthy part of the Clan novels. ( )
  Crayne | Dec 24, 2012 |
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Vampire the Masquerade (Novel - Clan Novel Series)
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"The ""Dark"" in the World of Darkness "RM" Rhymes with ""The Meat Sea"". It began with Clan Novel: Toreador "TM"; a 13-novel series concerning the Kindred. This series comprises the biggest event in the history of the World of Darkness -- and this is only the second book! This epic series of over one million words will reveal the secrets of the vampires' hidden world, from the smallest detail to the grandest marvel. The Nosferatu's apparent scheme to put the Eye of Hazimel into the hands of the Setite, Vegel, will decide the fates of Kindred legions and determine the future of the Camarilla and Sabbat -- the sects engaged in a massive war along the entire East Coast. And that's pretty much what the Sabbat thinks of humanity. Each novel in this series features a member of one of the 13 vampire clans. Clan Novel: Tzimisce introduces the Sabbat side of the conflict through Sascha Vykos, a depraved and incredibly powerful night-predator. A war along the American East Coast erupts as the Sabbat launches relentless attacks against Camarilla-held cities".

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