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Anya and the Shy Guy (Backstage Pass) (Volume 4)

door Suze Winegardner

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1441,482,130 (4.75)Geen
It's always the quiet ones... Anya Anderson doesn't just need a big break, she needs any break. Living on the streets doesn't leave a girl many options, so when she scores a gig reporting on the Seconds to Juliet tour, she jumps at the chance to earn enough money to sleep somewhere safe. And the paycheck will get bigger-and keep her off the streets for good-if she can dig up dirt on Will Fray, the irritatingly hot "shy guy" of the band. Problem is, Will Fray isn't who everyone thinks he is. In fact, he's not Will at all. Matt, Will's identical twin, is actually the guy onstage, reluctantly covering for his brother while he's in rehab. To make matters worse, Matt's being shadowed by a cute reporter with troubled eyes determined to get the scoop. On him. And he's having trouble finding the willpower to keep his distance... But if the secret gets out, it won't just be his head on a platter-it'll be the whole band's.… (meer)
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Toon 4 van 4
I have really liked this series so far, it is great getting to know each band member from Seconds to Juliet. Each band member is unique in their ways. In this book we get to know about Will who is really called Matt and is Will's identical twin brother pretending to be Will which he is sorting himself out.
Anya is homeless, and blags her way into getting a gig to scoop up some dirt during a 2 week assignment on tour with Second to Juliet, she needs to get a huge story, on Will so she can sell it and hopefully get off the streets.
Matt doesn't want to be found out as pretending to be Will and obviously doesn't want Will's rehab secret coming out either and the only way he can think of doing that is to flirt with her. The problem is he falls hard as does Anya and then the secret comes out.
I really liked the twist in this book, I liked Matt and Anya equally and did root for them both to sort their mess out.
Suze wrote this really well, it was a great pace and I was completely hooked.
I still think Miles is my favourite in the series but Matt comes a close second.
( )
  StressedRach | Jun 2, 2023 |
"4 out of 5 stars! Since the age of fifteen, Anya has been living on the streets. Now two years later, she finally gets a “big brake” by taking a job as a freelance journalist trying to get the inside scoop about Will “The Shy Guy” from the group Seconds to Juliet. However, not everything is all rosy because she unintentionally lied about her age to get the gig and after meeting Will, she’s not sure that if she learns any of his secrets that she’d be willing to divulge them to the public like that. As Anya gets closer to Will though she’s finding that not everything is adding up, is he too good to be true or is he hiding a bigger secret than she originally suspected?

I REALLY liked how its plot flowed! Mostly because if it went off, as I feared it would, that Will would come back without Matt telling Anya about their “deceit” before Will showed than I’m not sure I’d have enjoyed it as much as I did. Therefore, I’m VERY happy with how everything turns out in this novel!!"

Read more of this review and Over THREE TEASERS here: ( )
  fromjesstoyou | Mar 21, 2016 |
Loved this one and I think it may be my favorite of the series so far. The story is sweet and heartbreaking at times. Two young people doing whatever it takes. I mean Will, for his family and Anya for sheer survival. And can I say thank you for FINALLY giving LJ the smack down he deserves!! This is a great story and one I highly recommend! ( )
  Bette_Hansen | Nov 3, 2015 |
For more reviews go to:

Anya Anderson has been on her own and homeless since she was just 15 years old. She has been trying to figure out a way to make enough money so that she can get off the streets and can get her friend Jude the help he needs. She somehow convinces an online music blog to hire her as a freelance writer, and so for the next two weeks it is her job to shadow Will Fray—the bonafide “shy guy” of the hottest boyband around, Seconds to Juliet—and try to dig up as much dirt about him and the band as possible. What she doesn't expect is that Will is actually Matt, his twin brother, who has been reluctantly filling in for him while he is in rehab. (Although this is the fourth book in the Backstage Pass series, they are all written by different authors and do not need to be read in order).

Anya is a 17 year old girl who has worries and problems no one her age should have to face. Her time on the streets has made her guarded, anxious, and she has a difficult time trusting people, yet none of this has made her angry or bitter. She is primarily trying to make this job work for the sake of her friend Jude—who helped her and kept her safe when she first arrived on the streets—which made me like her that much more (it’s never explicitly said, but I am assuming she’s trying to save enough so she can help him go to rehab).

Matt is really sweet and self-less. He fills in for his twin while he is away in rehab because he wants to see him get better and also because he does not want either Will or his mom to face a 20 million dollar lawsuit. Stepping into the shoes of a world famous boy band member can not be easy for someone who has no experience or desire to be in one.

This is the second Backstage Pass book I have read (the first being Daisy and the Front Man). I genuinely enjoyed it; it is well-written and easy to get into. This is told in alternating view points which isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but it worked for me because Anya and Matt both have strong voices and it was easy to distinguish between them. I also thought that the conflicts and drama throughout the book were well-thought-out and believable which was something that I did not like about the third book. Anya and Matt have great chemistry from the beginning and I loved seeing their relationship progress. The ending is seriously so cute; my favorite part by far! ( )
  joanab951 | Jul 21, 2015 |
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It's always the quiet ones... Anya Anderson doesn't just need a big break, she needs any break. Living on the streets doesn't leave a girl many options, so when she scores a gig reporting on the Seconds to Juliet tour, she jumps at the chance to earn enough money to sleep somewhere safe. And the paycheck will get bigger-and keep her off the streets for good-if she can dig up dirt on Will Fray, the irritatingly hot "shy guy" of the band. Problem is, Will Fray isn't who everyone thinks he is. In fact, he's not Will at all. Matt, Will's identical twin, is actually the guy onstage, reluctantly covering for his brother while he's in rehab. To make matters worse, Matt's being shadowed by a cute reporter with troubled eyes determined to get the scoop. On him. And he's having trouble finding the willpower to keep his distance... But if the secret gets out, it won't just be his head on a platter-it'll be the whole band's.

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Gemiddelde: (4.75)
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