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Bartered (The Encounter Trilogy Book 1)

door Pamela Ann

Reeksen: The Encounter Trilogy (book 1)

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252945,914 (4)Geen
A woman could be... Everything. Anything. Nothing. I was a connoisseur of beautiful things, women included. I didn't just have one, but three-all exotic, stunning and would do anything I asked. My life was grand. It was perfect and I was content with it all, until a little minx came along. The second our eyes clashed, giving me a glimpse of her violet blue depths that had a mixture of stubbornness and will but with a hint of something else... Choices were made. Decisions were done. And for the very first time in my life, I was challenged with something risky, merely igniting the animal in me.… (meer)
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Pamela specializes in the emotion of being torn in love, having feelings for more than one person at a time. She loves old books like Pride and Prejudice and Anna Karenina so she tends to write modern versions of these up and down, back and forth romances with usually a hefty dose of sex added.

In this book, there isn't as much angst as is present with most of Pamela's other books. Although erotic in nature it is not full of sex. It's more about the desire, the chase, the wanting. Also Bartered is told from both Hugo and Isobel's points of view so we know how each is feeling at certain points.

Hugo is a very wealthy and prominent man. He seems to have a great life, but there is pain in his past that isn't fully explained yet.
How often did I see these demure, beautiful women and think them angelic, only to be proven wrong when they turned out to be after one thing? Money was a powerful thing to behold.

Isobel is a girl just trying to find her place in the world. She's a young college student with a long-time boyfriend. She has crap parents and is offered to Hugo as repayment for a debt by her father.
And though I despised my situation, I couldn't very well hate the man who'd agreed to my father's bartering tactics.

This isn't a human trafficking type story. It's a bargain that Isobel will be will Hugo's for 6 months, after which her father's debt will be considered paid in full. Keep in mind that Hugo really is a decent man, and her father is not. Hugo did not seek out this agreement. Also, Isobel agrees to this setup, which was suppose to be a no feelings involved deal, but of course it doesn't quite work out that way.

If you are familiar with Pamela's other books, you know that characters from one of her series tend to pop up for a cameo appearance in another. We come across several here: Callum, Jacques, Luca, Dimi and more.

I have mixed feelings about Isobel. I know she's young and dealing with a lot so I try to look past some of her actions. I really like Hugo. He isn't perfect, but he comes off as a really genuine person. I plan to continue with this story when the next installment comes out.

***Copy given in exchange for an honest review***


FangirlMoments and My Two Cents

  ToniFGMAMTC | Jan 19, 2017 |
Pamela specializes in the emotion of being torn in love, having feelings for more than one person at a time. She loves old books like Pride and Prejudice and Anna Karenina so she tends to write modern versions of these up and down, back and forth romances with usually a hefty dose of sex added.

In this book, there isn't as much angst as is present with most of Pamela's other books. Although erotic in nature it is not full of sex. It's more about the desire, the chase, the wanting. Also Bartered is told from both Hugo and Isobel's points of view so we know how each is feeling at certain points.

Hugo is a very wealthy and prominent man. He seems to have a great life, but there is pain in his past that isn't fully explained yet.
How often did I see these demure, beautiful women and think them angelic, only to be proven wrong when they turned out to be after one thing? Money was a powerful thing to behold.

Isobel is a girl just trying to find her place in the world. She's a young college student with a long-time boyfriend. She has crap parents and is offered to Hugo as repayment for a debt by her father.
And though I despised my situation, I couldn't very well hate the man who'd agreed to my father's bartering tactics.

This isn't a human trafficking type story. It's a bargain that Isobel will be will Hugo's for 6 months, after which her father's debt will be considered paid in full. Keep in mind that Hugo really is a decent man, and her father is not. Hugo did not seek out this agreement. Also, Isobel agrees to this setup, which was suppose to be a no feelings involved deal, but of course it doesn't quite work out that way.

If you are familiar with Pamela's other books, you know that characters from one of her series tend to pop up for a cameo appearance in another. We come across several here: Callum, Jacques, Luca, Dimi and more.

I have mixed feelings about Isobel. I know she's young and dealing with a lot so I try to look past some of her actions. I really like Hugo. He isn't perfect, but he comes off as a really genuine person. I plan to continue with this story when the next installment comes out.

***Copy given in exchange for an honest review***


FangirlMoments and My Two Cents

  ToniFGMAMTC | Jan 19, 2017 |
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A woman could be... Everything. Anything. Nothing. I was a connoisseur of beautiful things, women included. I didn't just have one, but three-all exotic, stunning and would do anything I asked. My life was grand. It was perfect and I was content with it all, until a little minx came along. The second our eyes clashed, giving me a glimpse of her violet blue depths that had a mixture of stubbornness and will but with a hint of something else... Choices were made. Decisions were done. And for the very first time in my life, I was challenged with something risky, merely igniting the animal in me.

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