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door Alyse Zaftig

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Secrets have a way of snowballing... JIMMY I should never have done this. I just wanted to tease her to get her back for what she thought about me. I didn't mean to fall in love. Now she's pregnant, and I have to convince her to marry me. Not easy, considering that the first time that we met, I was lying through my teeth. AMELIA I'm a girl who has always gotten what she wants. What happens when someone says no to me for the first time? And what happens when his high school girlfriend enters the picture?… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorAndrea.Gonzalez, Sunshine22222, Sheila1957
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Amelia's father wants her to be married and settled before he dies. He has picked out the man but Amelia does not want marriage or the man. She will meet the man but will tell her dad it did not work out. Her heart and body tell her a different story.

I liked Amelia. At first I was not sure if I would. She was spoiled but as she lets herself warm up to Jimmy she became more likable and approachable. I liked his method of dealing with her. Jimmy had secrets. Watching Amelia deal with them was hard at times. I wanted to smack Jimmy upside of his head. They were a very good match for each other.

At times there could have been more fleshing out of the story. I felt details were missing or the scene was cut short when it should have been expanded especially the end of Amelia's section. I would have liked to have seen more communication between them as well as the reasoning on some of their decisions. I would also have liked to see Amelia grow up more and worked through their problems instead of running away from them. She did scare Jimmy a lot by running away.

While the majority of the story is told from Amelia's point of view, I liked that Jimmy's point of view is given at the end. It seems as though they had made great strides in their communications with one another. Their life together seems to be good for them.

I look forward to reading more of Ms. Zaftig. ( )
  Sheila1957 | Sep 24, 2015 |
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Secrets have a way of snowballing... JIMMY I should never have done this. I just wanted to tease her to get her back for what she thought about me. I didn't mean to fall in love. Now she's pregnant, and I have to convince her to marry me. Not easy, considering that the first time that we met, I was lying through my teeth. AMELIA I'm a girl who has always gotten what she wants. What happens when someone says no to me for the first time? And what happens when his high school girlfriend enters the picture?

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