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Henry and Mudge and the Careful Cousin

door Cynthia Rylant

Andere auteurs: Sucie Stevenson (Illustrator)

Reeksen: Henry and Mudge (book 13)

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At first Henry's very neat cousin doesn't like the cookies from under his bed or Mudge's slobbery kisses, but when they all play frisbee, she begins to enjoy her visit.
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At first Henry's very neat cousin doesn't like the cookies from under his bed or Mudge's slobbery kisses, but when they all play Frisbee, she begins to enjoy her visit.
  NMiller22 | Aug 3, 2019 |
I have a lot of respect for Henry's mom. In some ways I want to be her, with a big porch & yard & trees, and long dresses and bare feet - but I don't want a huge slobbery dog, thank you. I identify with the cousin... ( )
  Cheryl_in_CC_NV | Jun 6, 2016 |
Summary: Henry's cousin is coming for a visit and she is a girl who does not like to get dirty but that is all Henry and Mudge like to do. They finally win her over and she ends up muddy and happy with them.
Review: Another great book in the series that helps kids engage while they learn to read.
  jwied2 | Jun 15, 2013 |
The story begins with Henry anxiously waiting on the front porch for his cousin, Annie, to come over. However, when she arrives he is not at all impressed. Fist off, Annie doesn’t want his dog drooling all over her. In addition, she thinks his fish tank stinks and his room is way to messy. Yet when Henry and Annie learn that each other enjoys playing frisbee, they begin to realize that they are not that different from each other.
  Lindsaydavis2007 | Apr 8, 2010 |
Henry's cousin Annie was coming to stay the night, the dog Mudge and he were really happy until Annie showed up. Annie was pretty and filly, she really didn't want the drooling dog all over her. She wasn't sure about Henry and his messy room either. After lunch, they played frisbee together and finally found something that Henry, Annie and Mudge enjoyed. Returning to the messy room after, Annie was no longer pretty and frilly, but she was just as dirty and Henry, Mudge or the room.

Cute story, enjoyed the difference between the first image of Annie, and the last. This is an easy book for the kids to read, it is a 2nd level reader with short chapters and short paragraphs but good sentence structure. This is a good book to introduce with quote marks for speaking lines. It also has a moral of keep at it and you can find common ground. ( )
  onyx95 | Sep 2, 2008 |
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AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Cynthia Rylantprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Stevenson, SucieIllustratorSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd

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Henry and Mudge (book 13)

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At first Henry's very neat cousin doesn't like the cookies from under his bed or Mudge's slobbery kisses, but when they all play frisbee, she begins to enjoy her visit.

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