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I Like Bugs (Step-Into-Reading, Step 1) door…
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I Like Bugs (Step-Into-Reading, Step 1) (editie 1999)

door Margaret Wise Brown, G. Brian Karas (Illustrator)

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1,583611,765 (3.52)2
In brief rhyming text, lists all the types of insects the narrator likes.
Titel:I Like Bugs (Step-Into-Reading, Step 1)
Auteurs:Margaret Wise Brown
Andere auteurs:G. Brian Karas (Illustrator)
Info:Random House Books for Young Readers (1999), Paperback, 32 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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I Like Bugs door Margaret Wise Brown

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  lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
I Like Bugs by Margaret Wise Brown is a level one Step into Reading book. It is a very easy read with only 3-4 words per page. I enjoyed this book but it was sometimes hard for young children to tell what the pictures of the bugs in the book were. I used this book in a tutoring session with a PreK student and they struggled to understand how the same bugs were different or why they were being repeated so much. It tended to make things a little confusing especially when the bugs on the page weren’t the main focus and were too tiny to see. I think the illustrations were alright but not always very clear for young readers. I think I would have liked this book better if while it was talking about “round bugs” and “shiny bugs” or “mean bugs” and “nice bugs,” it gave names for some of the bugs since the pictures were hard to decipher. I think this book is better for students a little older than PreK when they already know more insects better and can recognize them but I think this is a good read for younger students who are learning to read on their own. It is a good book to read to learn simple things about different insects at a young age. ( )
  jsouth3 | Feb 29, 2016 |
This book describes many different bugs.
  Joscellin | Jun 8, 2015 |
Summary of Book: This book called I like Bugs is a book describing insects using rhyme and humor. This book describes all different kinds of bugs fat, little, skinny, and big bugs. This book used repetition about the insects.
Personal Reaction to Book: This book is one that is great for younger children. This book has great illustrations, easy to read text, and overall a great book for children to help them feel confident when first learning to read. The good thing is that this book is suitable for both girls and boys.
Extension Ideas:
1. The children will pick out the adjectives used in this book.
2. The children will draw a picture of what they believe one of the bug described in this book looks like.
  ChristaSparks | Apr 12, 2015 |
Very simple book about bugs. Descriptors of big, small, mean, nice, different colors, etc. showing the variety of different bugs with a recurring theme of "I like Bugs".
  shane54 | Feb 28, 2015 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen (3 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Margaret Wise Brownprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Karas, G. BrianIllustratorSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd

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In brief rhyming text, lists all the types of insects the narrator likes.

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Gemiddelde: (3.52)
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3 5
3.5 2
4 11
5 4

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