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A Treacherous Decision

door JC Morrows

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Kayden's mission should have been simple - she was sent to kill the prince . . . not to fall in love with him. Within the palace walls, Kayden has discovered that things are not as she expected. Is there more to the royal family, or . . . is there a more sinister depth to Drey's mission?Dvarius thought his mind was made up - but will he have the resolve to see it through?Between attacks from outside the palace - and within, will the Prince live long enough to choose his Queen?And will Kayden choose to follow her head . . . or her heart, knowing that her decision could very well make her a target as well!… (meer)
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I am in awe right now of the book I just read. Is it possible to write another book in a series and make it better then the first one? Yes it can be done and JC Morrow has done it with an explosive story so captivating that I didn't stop reading till I finished the book. Kayden had one mission and that was to kill the Prince. As the new book opens in the series, we find out that Kayden has done quite the opposite. Did she do the unthinkable? Can she truly have feelings for a man she was ordered to kill? I felt her anguish as she discovers that she failed at her mission, but is secretly happy that she was able to save the Prince from harm. Will she have to pay for her failure ?

JC has given readers another book that will keep you on the edge of your seat as the action is heightened and the suspense more intense. I felt myself in the castle walking down the halls and seeing the guards posted at their assignments. I felt the urgency in Kayden as she realized that the Prince was in danger once again. The tender moments between Kayden and the Prince are written with real emotion that JC expressed with depth and grace. The action at the ending of the book is fast paced and truly a masterful work of art that explodes with intensity. Well done JC Morrows. Once again you have written a book that captures the true spirit of a gifted author. ( )
  Harley0326 | Dec 30, 2015 |
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Kayden's mission should have been simple - she was sent to kill the prince . . . not to fall in love with him. Within the palace walls, Kayden has discovered that things are not as she expected. Is there more to the royal family, or . . . is there a more sinister depth to Drey's mission?Dvarius thought his mind was made up - but will he have the resolve to see it through?Between attacks from outside the palace - and within, will the Prince live long enough to choose his Queen?And will Kayden choose to follow her head . . . or her heart, knowing that her decision could very well make her a target as well!

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JC Morrows is een LibraryThing auteur: een auteur die zijn persoonlijke bibliotheek toont op LibraryThing.

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