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Missing - Dead or Alive

door Peter Martin

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Bob and Maria Shepherd face the ultimate horror, when their fourteen-year-old son, Tim, heads off to school one day and disappears. While trying to find out what happened to Tim, they must face dastardly false accusations, employment alterations, and new friend manipulations, which put a major strain on their own relationship. However, years later, after facing the worst of dealing with their son’s disappearance, a sudden turn in the mystery brings a new disruption to Bob and Maria. Facing the unknown horror of the disappearance of one’s only child is a base fear that will draw many psychological drama fans into the initial heart of the story; however, the main characters soon face a lot of plot devices that attempt to hype up the tension without much foundation under these plot actions. Manipulations are applied for the minimal motivations, which does not provide a solid base of reality. This seemingly constant flow of plot changes have no direct connections between them, making the main couple the unlucky recipient of a string of “snake eye” consequences. Without these solid connections, strong motivations, or base foundations to drive the story, it becomes difficult for the reader to build empathy with the main characters, including the one who has disappeared. The basic premise was promising, but the lack of depth was disappointing. ( )
  kerryreis57 | Jul 9, 2018 |
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